
Joel & Danielle Smith


Joel and Danielle began serving at the ministry in June of 2019, along with their 6 children.

Joel, the Director of CMTS PA, received Bible training at a Christian school in Allentown and a Christian High School in Bethlehem. God trained him through past professions to equip him with the skills he needed to serve effectively at CMTS. Past careers include being a sales manager, bank branch manager, and the owner of a food truck/bakery business. He didn't know at the time what God had planned for him and his family, but he is now excited about what God has planned for both CMTS and his family. In December 2021, Joel was named the Director of CMTS PA after serving as Assistant Director for 2 years prior. He has worked hard since then to continue serving and equipping those who serve Christ.

Danielle has the honor of homeschooling their children and helping them grow into young men and women of God. In addition to raising and developing the children in the Smith household, she has played the leading role in the development of the Equip Program at CMTS. In 2021, she felt a calling from God to study and put together a plan to train men and women ages 18-25 to equip them to go out and serve God to the best of their abilities and use the spiritual gifts that God gave them.

Joel and Danielle are wonderful leaders, and the ministry is blessed to have them and their children. They are truly passionate about serving God with everything they've got and have a contagious attitude of joyful evangelism. With 6 children, there is always an abundance of energy, blessing others with their humor and personalities. The Smiths always have an encouraging word and abundant patience for their team.

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