Smith Family Newsletter | June 2022

Mission Work

We went on a staff retreat this month. We had some interesting team-building exercises and a lot of fellowship! It has been a long year of training, preparing, and building up to the Equip program starting in July. This was a great way to reconnect, become unified again and just have fun! All just before the students move into the dorms. We have 4 students: 2 boys & 2 girls. The boy and girl dorms are gorgeous and we have a few things to finish on the boys’ dorm, but it is just about complete! Very exciting!


Home Life

We have hit our 3 year CMTS anniversary! I am sharing a picture of a rock pile in remembrance of God, His love, miracle assistance, and how He has used us so much these past 3 years. It is exciting to look back and see how far we have grown as we have relied on God and His faithfulness. We are so blessed to have you all as our support team and have been faithfully praying and supporting us however you can for 3 years!

We had a girls’ & guys’ weekend this month. The boys went camping, hiking, building campfires, and swimming. The girls had dinner at Red Robin, went to a book sale, and walked through an arts festival.

Joel celebrated his 41st birthday this month. We went to the beach, rode our bikes, and walked the beach/boardwalk.


Homeschool Corner

We have wrapped up school for the year! We finished the year with PA History, a tour of Berks County covered bridges. We had our evaluations and look forward to a fun-filled summer. We will be starting back up at the end of August! Thank you for all the prayers as we worked through this past school year. It was a tough year for some, but overall it went well. So thankful I get to homeschool and do life and ministry with my children. Would not be possible without God or you all!


Prayer Requests

Support, we are still not fully supported and are actively raising support.

Housing, CMTS is looking into building more housing and one will be for us. We are living in a small apartment above the office currently. With 8 people, it can get a little tight! LOL

Homeschool, that is an ever going prayer Guidance, wisdom, and discernment as God leads us as we lead the ministry.


Family Needs


We are currently at $775 monthly and where we need to be is $3,570. It has been by the grace and provision by God that we are making it. We could really use your help. Prayers and awareness of this need to others is much appreciated!

Here is further breakdown in each category:

Retirement: We are saving up to retire one day and being a good steward with our time in the future.

Misc.: Savings for emergencies and medical expenses like braces and casts. Education and field trips. Fun days with the kids as a family out, date nights with Joel & I (Danielle), and saving each month for vacations.

Transportation: gas, car insurance, maintenance, and repairs.

Living expenses: electricity, propane, internet, cell phones, clothing, food, and household items.


Would you like to join our team? We need your help to continue to accomplish God’s vision for us at the ministry. Would you join us as a monthly supporter so we can continue the work God has started? We want to take you along for the journey and we would be honored to be able to share the experience with you. You would become part of the team and we would share how God is working and the impact it is having on His Kingdom. Please pray and ask God if you should join us.

If you are interested in supporting the Smith family, you can find their online donation page here:


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