Noecker Newsletter | April – June 2022


Let’s get right into it; no need for pleasantries! In my last newsletter, I think I mentioned that a team from CMTS was currently in Mexico, on a mission trip. Their goal was to build relationships with the people there, serve them in whatever capacity they needed, and do some research for the Equip program that started in July. A couple of things to note about that trip: Nolan Lapp and Joel Smith won’t stop talking about the food, Nolan won’t stop talking about Alfredo, and Juanis and Michael McDermott have felt God’s calling to move to Mexico and join the mission there! Please pray for them, as this is a big decision, and while we know God will bless their obedience, it’s not always easy to obey.


April highlights:

  • I attended the PGCC women’s retreat where Abby Kensinger spoke about anxiety and gave us tools to fight it. It was an amazing retreat; I took SO many notes, and I loved getting to know the women in my church just a little bit more.
  • On Easter, my sister got sick and I had to fill in for her by going to a Hershey bears game with my brother-in-law and two nephews.
  • Danielle asked me and Jenny Lapp to be dorm moms for the Equip women, which was… interesting. It’s funny: I always said that Pre-K was my group, and any older is just not something I could or ever wanted to handle. And then God laughed.
  • April 30th was our first Equip Open House! Not all the people who attended decided to join the program, but God has provided just the right amount of people for our inaugural year. I won’t talk about Equip starting in this newsletter, but I’ll be sure to take good notes to get all the details for September!



  • May 2 was Hani’s 1-year gotcha-day! I can’t believe it’s been over a year since God answered that prayer in an amazing way. 
  • We were blessed to have a volunteer come to install new windows in the Milkhouse and the main house! They had a lot of windows to get through, so they couldn’t install them completely, but a special shout out to my dad for coming out and finishing mine on a Saturday morning in June! I am so blessed to have such amazing parents.
  • Sometime in the middle of the month, Danielle and I designed the Equip t-shirts. We had them printed through Sunday Cool, a Christian t-shirt/branding company, with the claim of “softest t-shirts”. They were not lying. Seriously, not only are their t-shirts comfortable, but the colors are beautiful, and the ones they design themselves are gorgeous! 10/10 would recommend.
  • On May 21st we had a second Equip Open House.
  • We discovered that our septic system needs to be replaced. It’s still in the works, and we’re trusting and praying that God will provide the funds for that.
  • Joel and his 10-year-old son Jett went to Belize to check in on Andy & Nancy Merrick. To quote Joel, “The same God we see working in people back in PA is working and growing the people of Belize. It was encouraging to see what God has built at the location of CMTS in Buena Vista.”



June was a busy month, and apparently, it was only ramping up for this summer. A generous donor gave all of the staff the opportunity to go on a retreat to Three Springs Ministry in Morris, PA. The goal was to build unity as a team. Lots of memories were made:

  • Playing the card game Exploding Kittens w/Jett Smith (we got a little Calvinball towards the end though and just made up our own rules.)
  • Sunburn at the pool
  • Horse riding (my horse’s name was Nugget, and he was comically slow)
  • Finding time alone to read a really great book
  • Spending quality time with Mel Gingrich (who had to step down from her role at CMTS because, praise God, she’s having a baby!)
  • And lot’s more!


A couple of other highlights from June were:

  • Tie-dye with the ladies. I personally don’t like tie-dye, but I made a watermelon tie-dye shirt for me and a regular one for Johnny (one of the awesome dorm guys who has been at CMTS forever. I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with him that didn’t involve Jesus in some way, and I’m always encouraged.)
  • Playing pied piper w/cookies. I told 2 of the teenagers that I was baking cookies, and suddenly I had a herd of children on my front lawn. At least my bakery skills aren’t going to waste!
  • A LOT of prepping for Equip. So much prepping. All of it. The Equip program is the brainchild of God and Danielle. My part has been to take what Danielle writes down and help it make sense. She and Joel have put their blood, sweat, and tears into this program, and I’m so blessed to be here to watch God make their dreams a reality.
  • The Hamburg Library had a giant book sale that I went to with the 3 Smith girls.
  • On June 7th, Kristen Manbeck, her 4 children, and I went to see David at Sight & Sound. It was amazing. I was unreasonably emotional the entire time. David was my favorite Bible character, to begin with (second to Jesus, obviously), but this elevated him even more. A lot of the songs are straight from the Psalms, and I have a few on repeat recently. I highly recommend seeing it either in person or if they do a streaming event in the future.


Where’s God?

Everywhere! But specifically:

  • He provided just the right amount of students for Equip.
  • He’s continued to provide finances every month. I think I have reached my goal, but even if I haven’t, I know He will continue to provide. He has and He will.
  • He’s answered lots of prayers in different ways, some of which I may never see the outcome. But He does.
  • He’s blessed me with a family who supports me in so many ways.
  • He’s provided food consistently for everyone at the ministry. Our basement storage room has so much available for the families here; what a blessing!
  • He’s grown me in my relationships with the people here at CMTS. I am very blessed to be surrounded by such a beautiful, God-loving community.
  • He’s continued to teach me patience and that His timing is best. Waiting is hard, but God is good, and I know He’ll stay that way.

 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.”   James 1:2-4, 12


Prayer requests:

  1. Continued provision! It doesn’t hurt to ask Him to continue to provide. If you’re willing, please pray that He provides for my coworkers in Christ here. There are a few families that are still seeking financial support and are fully relying on God to provide that. They’re beautiful examples of faith for me!
  2. Pray that I would learn to accept and love His timing. Waiting is hard, and each day is different. My attitude is not always the best, but God is merciful and kind.
  3. Pray for strength and wisdom for myself and everyone else at the ministry. Especially for the men and women in leadership. God is bigger than any challenge we’ve faced yet. He is sovereign!
  4. Pray for wisdom and guidance. This July, we will be having a Donor Dinner™. Please pray that everything goes smoothly, and we are able to bless and thank those who have blessed us.
  5. Pray for the Equip program! Please pray that God would prepare the hearts of the students, Equip teachers, and CMTS Staff!
  6. Pray for the Equip Dorm Parents. I never anticipated being involved in this capacity, but I know that God can use even me to teach these students. I’m looking forward to how God is going to use this to sanctify and grow me and the others.

The Ministries prayer requests are available on the website if you feel called to pray for these too!

Thank you again for your support! I try to pray for you each day; sometimes I’m more on top of it than others. It’s a good thing God’s grace is endless! If you have any questions, comments, prayer requests, etc. please email me at (or text me if you have my number)! Thank you again for providing this chance for me to serve God full-time at this amazing ministry. I’m excited to see what God has for me and CMTS!


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