Adams Family Newsletter | April – July 2022

July 18, 2022

Dear Family and Friends,


Hello our dear support family. We are ever thankful, humbled, and reliant on your partnership in the gospel and life in general. God has been so gracious to us through each of you.


This last quarter has been filled with such great joy and some deep sadness as well. We are reminded of something our former pastor used to say, “We are not in the garden anymore and we are not in Heaven yet.” We are ever clinging to the truth of Nahum 1:7, “The Lord is good; a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” Amen and Amen! God IS SO GOOD and it’s through His protection and strength that we continue to press on – with joy! Our own hurts and disappointments have served as motivation for pursuing holiness in our personal walks with the Lord and family, and in moving forward in full-time ministry. It is incredible and truly only a work of God how Believers can have genuine, deep joy and peace even as we walk through difficulties. 


Speaking of great joys, this weekend we celebrated the upcoming birth of Cam and Morgan’s first baby. She is due August 24 and we are so excited. Please pray for baby Webb to continue to grow and for a safe delivery. Pray that she comes to Jesus as soon as she understands who He is and her need for Him! 


Another recent joy was a three-day staff retreat we were able to be a part of for CMTS. It was especially good for Melissa to get to spend time getting to know the staff better. We are so blessed to be a part of such a phenomenal team. We spent time worshipping, studying, team building, playing games, and just sitting around the table sharing hearts. It was a really neat time. 


More joy this month as our gap year program Equip has officially begun. We are starting this first session with two young women and two young men. In the mornings, they are sitting under the teaching of several gifted Bible teachers and counselors. After lunch and staff devos, they have been learning different aspects of the ministry, being mentored by a staff member in their particular area. There is a couple on staff who are serving as dorm parents to fill in the void of the kids being away from home. During the students’ year, they will be doing two short mission trips, one here in the States and another abroad. 


Several of the rooms in the main building have been renovated to create beautiful spaces for them as they live, learn and serve with us for the year. We will include some photos here of this awesome program!



*For our home to honor God first -individually and together.

*For our marriage to be #2 priority & reflect Jesus and the Church

*Sam’s health remains steady, praise God. Please keep praying.

*Support – that the Lord would increase as He sees fit.

*Cam, Morgan, and baby Webb.

*Equip students and program.

*That Jackson and Tucker would grow in the Lord and do well with their summer work for school.


We love you.

We need you.

We could not serve without you!


With joy,


Sam and Melissa Adams

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