September Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear Supporters, 


Mission work/ Vocation work

A couple of weeks ago we Equip students went domestic mission trip with the Smiths at Circle K. There we cut logs and stacked them up. We also picked up sticks and some of us also fixed a basketball hoop. 


I have nineteen days left in the mechanic shop. I have enjoyed working with Ray, Nick, Sam, and Grace, learning how to change tires, change the oil and the oil filter, how to check the tire pressure, etc. Hoping to use these skills in the future. 


Personal Life

I have been doing well but I am glad we had off for Labor Day because I needed a break, emotionally and maybe mentally. I have been feeling stuck lately. Like I’m in this loop and I can’t get out. I don’t know how to put it into words that will make sense so please pray for me.


Anyway, for Labor Day, we had off so I could go home to my family I enjoyed seeing them again. The funny thing was I was getting used to not having a lot of animals around me. If you know my family you know that we have a lot of animals. So when I was in my room trying to sleep I could hear our parrot talking, the guinea pigs being guinea pigs, my snake slithering around in her cage, and my dog snoring. Occasionally the air conditioning would save me and drown out all the animal noises. Let’s just say it felt like a long night. Other than that it was a really good weekend. I enjoyed hanging out with my siblings; honestly, that is one of the bigger things I miss from being here. 


Prayer Requests

  • Please pray that I will continue to grow in the Lord and that I will learn to trust Him more.
  • I have raised almost $2,000 of the $4,500 needed for tuition. Please pray that God will continue to provide the money for me to stay in Equip.
  • Pray that I will have the willpower to stop procrastinating and do my work beforehand so I won’t be stressed out. The only person I’m hurting is myself. 



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