November Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear Supporters,

Mission Work/ Vocation Work

A month ago, we Equip students had the honor of going to YWAM. We were there Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A guy named Joel taught us how to share the gospel. Joel is a person who evangelizes; he is a TickToker as well, and he goes and teaches at conferences. Wednesday was a crazy day. 

Joel had us pray about whatever, it didn’t have to be about anything specific. Being me, I get distracted easily but I tried to focus and started praying, then all of a sudden I get an image in my head. There was a little girl and a wall with a door that was open. You know when you’re in a dream and you know the person that’s standing right next to you, but they don’t look like what they look like in real life? Well even though the little girl didn’t look it, I knew deep down that she was my younger self. She was about to go through the door that was there but before she did, she turned around, looked at me, and said that it was going to be okay and that I don’t have to be afraid. After that, she went through the door. I was upset and slightly mad because I was used to telling my younger self that it was going to be okay, and now my younger self is telling me the same thing. The thing that was weird was the image was so clear and my brain has a really hard time focusing on just one thing. It was only when I got back from the place that I realized that the image could be from God. There were a lot of great things that happened there. I even saw a girl receive the gift of tongues. 

I started working at the warehouse a while ago. I really enjoy being able to sort through things and put them in their correct places. I also got to use a forklift and skid loader. Now in a week, instead of going to the warehouse, I am going to do maintenance. In maintenance, I am going to fix things, and I am also going to be able to do some woodworking, which I am very excited about.   

Personal Life

I have been doing well. I got to visit my Family for thanksgiving and go to Hershey park with them. It felt so nice to be connected to them again. In fact, I was able to go to sleep this time when I was home. The parrot did not talk at night and I think my brother got rid of the loud guinea pig. There were five guinea pigs but I believe there are only four now. The one that they gave away must have been the one. My dog, Bitty, still snores but hey, it’s a work in progress. 

Prayer Requests

  • I have raised almost $2,700 of the $4,500 needed for tuition, and still owe $1,800. The tuition is due on Jan. 2nd.  Please pray that God will continue to provide the money for me to stay in Equip.

  • Pray that I will step closer to God and that when we go to outreach I will be willing to talk and pray with people even though it’s scary.



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