December Equip Newsletter- David

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student.


Mission Work/Vocation Work

Since my last newsletter, I have now started working up in the warehouse with Justin and Johnny. I’ve been enjoying my time up there and I’m having fun working with them. Right now we’re working on making a specialized gaylord. A gaylord is a pallet with walls to hold stuff in. This special one though is going to be twice as long and have doors on each of the long sides and it’s going to have shelves. It’ll be used for housewares (household items like laundry detergent to pillows); basically, it’ll be a portable shelf to save time and labor. 


I am no longer going to be the fleet officer as we are now changing and rearranging things in the car loaner program. Things are still going smoothly in that part of the ministry as of now.


We are also preparing for our mission trip to Mexico which is in March.


December Personal life

  • I’ve been praying about what I should to after Equip and God revealed that he wants me to go to college
    • I found a christian college down in Missouri and from my research and what I’ve been told, it’s a pretty good college
      • The name of it is the College of the Ozarks
  • God has also been preparing and growing me to be the man of God He wants me to be and for His plans for me, whatever they may be
  • We had a gingerbread making competition and glory be to God for allowing me to win!
    • I almost lost to Grace it was a 2 point difference
  • The three runners-up, Grace, Emi, and Kai, made a play which was funny and something I enjoyed
  • It’s now confirmed that God wants my parents to move to Mexico and they’re leaving around the end of the summer

Prayer Requests

  • I still need financial support so I can pay the $4,500 I need for Equip. I am currently at $3,548.32 and I need $951.68. 
  • That God would work through me and that His will, will be done 
  • That I would get accepted into the college and everything involved with applying will go smoothly.
  • My parents moving to Mexico
  • The Mexico mission trip

Answered requests

  • I got my drivers license!
  • God called me to go to college after Equip


David McDermott

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