VanWert Family Update – December 2022

The Christmas season is a time when we celebrate and remember Jesus’ first coming. Many light advent candles that represent hope, peace, joy, and love as they intentionally fix their eyes on the true meaning of the Christmas season. When Jesus came as a baby, He brought along with Him hope, peace, joy, and love to those who had been waiting for hundreds of years for His arrival. As we reflect on the events of 2022, we have so much to be thankful for, but along with that reflection we see a world that is in sorrow and unrest and confusion. We live in a world where hope, peace, joy, and love are fleeting and are affected by the constant changing of a world in conflict. We also are waiting with anticipation for Jesus to return to set all things right. May this advent season be a time to remind you of Christ’s first coming but also the second advent that is to come full of unending hope, unending peace, unending joy, and unending love.

Levi turned 6 in October. He is still into trains and playing the drums but this year he found a new obsession. He is now interested in all things bees. He likes honey bees, bumble bees, hornets, and wasps. He will often play beekeeper or hornet exterminator with Gage and enjoys watching wasp nest removals. He started Kindergarten in September. Homeschool has been a challenge for both him and mom. He says he wants to be a train engineer and a bee man when he grows up. Gage will be 4 at the end of January. He’s an energetic little dude with a constant smile on his face. He loves rockets and astronauts. He pretends paper towel and toilet paper rolls and empty plastic bottles are rockets and throws them in the air pretending they’re blasting off! Jameson is 16 months old. He is now walking (more like running) and is always trying to keep up with his big brothers. One of the greatest joys is watching the three of them play together.

It’s been well over a year since we’ve updated you on all the changes happening here at CMTS! From the Equip gap year program to the loaner car program, God has brought many blessings! Over the last 5 months, with Equip I’ve had the privilege of serving with 4 young adults. The teaching environment is a very different world than I am used to. Although it is not my strong point, God has been teaching me just how patient He is with His children. If you want to know more about Equip, attached is more information on the program. As for the loaner car program, we are having huge changes in 2023, Lord willing. CMTS is planning to partner with a ministry called Righteous Rides. We will have more updates in 2023 for what that looks like. Please continue to pray for the Equip program and for CMTS as we merge with Righteous Rides. Attached is a brochure on the vision of CMTS for a quick refresher! To learn more about the Equip program please use the QR code! Thank you all for your support and prayers over the years of us being here at CMTS!

We wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The VanWerts

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