Kai’s January/February Newsletter

Hi everyone

Mission/Vocation Work

This past week we started cleaning out the garage, getting rid of old car parts and scrapping them. We also have been taking old cars to the scrapyard.

Getting the cars inspected is easier and going faster. I like that Nick has been patient and chill.

Personal Life

Lately, I have been challenged with thoughts. God has been telling me to study certain aspects of the Bible. I was watching on YouTube about New Age beliefs, and I was surprised how the guy knew about the Bible. He wasn’t a believer, yet he still knew a lot, and would read and quote scripture. After that, I came to the conclusion we should be on our guard and have the right answer to back up scripture with the truth.

Last night we had a Mexico trip meeting. We went over the schedule and talked about unity. I’m excited to go, and I hope we as a team will have unity, because this is a big deal. 

The other week my mom and I took my dad to the airport to go to Hawaii. He went with his parents, visited his friends, and also bought a surfboard. He had the time of his life. I was happy for him to go. 


Prayer Requests 

  • To continue to have a closer relationship with God
  • Mexico trip
  • Endurance

Greetings, Kai Sylva.