January/February Equip Newsletter – David

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student.


Mission Work/Vocation Work

In the warehouse, I started my forklift training and Justin’s teaching me well. It takes some getting used to but it’s pretty fun to drive around. We finished building the food room and we got the Belize Trip on its way. The Belize team is currently in Texas and getting close to the border. Apart from that I don’t have much to report because we’ve been focused on getting the Belize trip ready.


We are now planning what we will be doing for our international missions trip to Mexico and preparing for our second domestic missions trip to tornado cleanup in Mayfield, Kentucky.


January/February Personal life

  • Things have been going good recently and I’ve been learning how to become an adult 
  • I’ve also been developing my relationship with God and trying to make it personal
  • I’ve been having a fun time with everyone 
    • Me, Kai, and the two oldest of Joel’s sons have sleepovers almost every week which is really fun and a great end to the week
    • I also have fun talking with Grace and Emi 
  • God has been helping me develop my social skills which is hard but worth it
  • He has also been helping me and growing me in a few areas like:
    • Recognizing how much I need Him 
    • Being faithful to Him


Prayer Requests

  • That God would provide a place for me to work after Equip
  • That God would work through me and that His will would be done 
  • That He would prepare us students for life outside of Equip
  • My parents moving to Mexico
  • The Mexico and Kentucky missions trips


Answered requests

  • God has provided me with a few options for housing after Equip
  • Things are going smoothly with my parents; they have an idea of where to live


–David McDermott

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