February Newsletter – Grace

Dear supporters, 


Mission/Vocation work:

February has gone by pretty fast so far- I can’t believe it. Emi and I are getting ready to wrap things up in maintenance with Nolan. We did a couple more small projects around the ministry. This includes laying floor, fixing some chairs in the dining room, and other random jobs. Emi decided to prank Nolan in the middle of us laying the floor by saying there was a leak in the bathroom. When he went down to fix it she had put an actual leek (yes the vegetable) in a bucket and told him “I contained it”. I’ve really enjoyed maintenance so far, we’re definitely learning some good life skills for after this year and for when we own our own houses. Its also allowed Emi and I to grow closer with the staff here.


Personal Life:

Not much has been going on lately but some highlights include:

  • Seeing my grandma who came up for a weekend. 
  • Hanging out with Jenny and Hannah. We went to Joanns and Chick-Fil-A for yarn and the Lords chicken, the two most important things in life besides Jesus and coffee. 
  • ACT testing, (we aren’t supposed to talk about them but I for sure failed math)
  • (almost) daily walks with Emi
  • Saran wrapping Joels office chair and hanging it from the ceiling.


Prayer Requests:

  • God’s will for my life after this year. I have two options that I’m considering currently.
  • Our Mexico mission trip next month. Pray that we see God moving and that no one gets kidnapped.
  • That I keep growing and stretching in my walk with Christ
  • Our Kentucky mission trip which we’ll be going on in May. Please pray that we all have patience to get through the car ride with the Smith children on the way down and back.
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