Kai’s February/March Newsletter

Hello everyone

Enjoy the latest newsletter.

Mission/Vocation Work

I have come to the end of the vocation at the garage. I enjoyed learning the basics of maintaining a car. I had a great time with Sam telling interesting stories. And now I’m going to work with Justin in the warehouse. I’m really excited to be working with Justin. He is one of my favorite people to be around! We will sort out donations, and fill up containers. 

Personal Life

I’ve been growing a lot in my faith. I have a greater hunger for God. We started a new class, the Life of Christ . We had our first class on Monday. The subject was about repentance, and it was a great session. Last week, we (Equip team) went to Winter Jam, which is a concert where Christian artists perform. They do, like 4 songs, and in the middle of the show they have someone share the gospel. I really enjoyed it because 2 of my best friends Sam and Isaac were there too! We had an amazing time.

Prayer Requests 

  • To continue to have a closer relationship with God 
  • The Mexico trip we will be doing in March
  • Endurance 

Greetings, Kai Sylva.

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