February/March Equip Newsletter – David

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student.



Mission Work/Vocation Work

I finished my time up in the warehouse and now I’m working in maintenance with Ray and Nolan which has been fun. The last thing I was working on before I switched was the Belize shed which is a place where we can store stuff for Belize without needing to move a whole lot in the warehouse. In maintenance, we’re working on an expansion for the Smith’s in which I got to learn how to install flooring and prep trims and doors for painting.


We will soon be packing the suitcases we will be taking down for our international missions trip to Mexico as well as finalizing our plans. We are still preparing for our second domestic missions trip to do tornado cleanup in Mayfield, Kentucky.


February/March Personal life

  • I’ve been learning a lot spiritually this month
    • Recently, I and Nolan got a flat tire which God really used to show me some important things like love and thankfulness
    • God has been teaching me about maturity and how to be mature
    • He’s been teaching me what love is and how to show it
  • We Equip students had a few delicious dinners with the Sylva’s
  • I’m now looking for car detailing jobs for after Equip to help save for college
  • We went to a Winter Jam concert (a Christian concert) which was really fun
  • We started three new classes


Prayer Requests

  • That He would prepare us students for life outside of Equip
  • My parents moving to Mexico
  • The Mexico and Kentucky missions trips


Answered requests

  • I have an idea of what to do after Equip
  • My parents are now packing things that they don’t immediately need


–David McDermott

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