April Newsletter – Grace


Dear Supporters, 

We recently went to Mexico for our second mission trip. We were gone March 27th through April 4th. It was a very full week, we did just about every type of evangelism you can think of. Everything from knocking on doors to preaching in an actual church. We all got opportunities to share with different people about our personal experiences. I also got to read the story of Adam and Eve to a group of children. Working through a translator is a very unique experience that I’m glad I got to have. 

Some other highlights from the week include:

  • Doing the wordless bracelets craft with two groups of kids
  • Seeing God’s joy and presence even in the worst situations
  • Mexican coffee
  • Hanging out with the people from the base, they’re really an amazing group of people.
  • Going to a women’s rehab center and getting to pray for the women. I think I hugged every woman there, it was such a blessed time. 
  • Watching God grow and stretch all of us individually and as a group.
  • Almost missing our connecting flight on the way home. 

We really do follow an awesome God. Getting to go and see some of the worst situations I have ever seen has really put into perspective just how rich we are here in America. There are things that we take for granted every day that some people there can only dream about. And yet, they are some of the most content and happiest people that I have ever met. We went to encourage them and came away with them encouraging us. It really was a trip that I’m going to carry with me for the rest of my life. 

Prayer Requests:

  • My life after this program, spiritual and actual, and Gods will for it. 
  • That I keep growing and stretching in my walk with Christ
  • Our Kentucky mission trip next month
  • My Uncle John in his battle with cancer

Answered Requests:

  • Finances for Equip! Thank you so much to everyone who supported me in this.
  • Our Mexico mission trip. It went so well I can’t even begin to put it into words.
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