May Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear Supporters,


Mission/Vocation Work

We went to Kentucky for a mission trip and I had a great time. The people that went were the Smith family, Hannah, Nolan, David, Kai, Grace, and me. The drive down was not horrible. I slept for most of the time so it felt like it went by quickly. It was a good experience and I wouldn’t mind doing it again. The people that we stayed with were really nice. 


The first day we went to the church down there. The pastor was nice and I liked his sermon. Don’t ask me what it was about just know it was good. I remember a piece of it but not enough to explain anything. Anyways after church, we hung out and then went to this older lady’s house to fix some things. She was really sweet.


The next day Grace, Nolan, and I went with this girl named Tammy and helped her paint somebody’s house. We painted the inside of the house. It was pretty fun. I really enjoyed it. While we were painting the others were at a different house getting rid of stuff and gutting it out. 


Day three, the four of us went back to the house to paint more. Grace and I started to paint the outside of the house by hand without a paint roller. We both almost died, it was so hot.  The neighbor’s little boy came over and then played tag with us. He was so cute. 


On the fourth day, we went to a women’s rehab center. There was a cabin but it got destroyed so we helped take some of the roof off. It was fun but also somewhat a lot of work. Don’t worry though we took water breaks. It was hot in Kentucky. Not as bad as Mexico, I think, but it was more humid which is almost worse.


In the afternoon we ate dinner with the church there. They wanted to show their appreciation for us coming and helping with some of the work that needed to get done. Most of the church members were older so it would be hard to work on stuff like that themselves.


On the fifth day, we finished ripping the walls down in that one house. It was exhausting with a mix of fun. Carla, the girl that we were helping work on her house, wanted to make food for us as a way of saying thank you. Grace and I got to help her cut up the food so that she could cook it. Grace did the chicken successfully- it was close there for a minute between puking and passing out. 


The next day we left and went to go visit The Ark Encounter. I really enjoyed walking around and looking at all the different displays. I honestly would go again because I had a great time. The bus broke down after getting food at a restaurant. By God’s grace, we were parked at a church parking lot and some people came over and helped us out. Two people drove us to the place where we were spending the night. When I tell you the place was amazing. The place that we were staying was so nice. I personally wanted to stay…. I definitely didn’t break the bus though.


The next day the bus got fixed and we were on our way home.


Personal Life

I had an orthodontist appointment the other day. I went home a little to see my family and baby bunnies. It was nice to see family again because I hadn’t seen them in a while. Bitty was excited to see me like always. My brother is now down to two guinea pigs and they’re also living outside in an old rabbit coop. Phoenix was terrorizing Grace and me. She almost bit Grace’s toe off but we were wearing shoes, so we won this round against the demon bird.  


Prayer Requests

  • That I would follow in what God wants me to do in life.
Love, Emilia
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