Smith Family Newsletter | May 2023

Mission Work

This was a bittersweet month. We did our last mission trip with our current Equip students. Most of the Smith clan got to go, 6 out of 7 kids and Joel and I, along with Nolan, Hannah, and our Equip students. It was a hard week, but a blessing. We went to Mayfield, Kentucky, to help the families that were still displaced after an F4 tornado ripped up their whole town. We worked on one family’s house mostly, it was supposed to be an easier job and we were not supposed to demo the whole inside, but as we got more and more into it, we found more that was rotted and had termite damage. This family just got a new roof 2 weeks before we arrived and had been waiting 14 months for the roof alone. So, there was a lot of damage. We also got to pray with the mom and hang out with the kids.

The septic  has been slowly moving along. And our new car program is slowly going as well. Nick has been working on pastor’s cars lately as well as a bunch of donated cars! Thank you to everyone who donated, it has been a HUGE blessing!

Home Life

Kylie turned 13 during our mission trip week, so we celebrated during the trip and then as a family after we got home!

We got to do our first mission trip together as a family outside of PA! It had some challenging moments, but it was so great getting to serve alongside my kids. They all did so wonderful.

We went on our annual mountain lake family vacation. We went swimming, bike riding, hiking, fishing, reading books, campfires, just relaxing and getting some quiet and family time in.

Parker graduated speech therapy! This also ends our time of speech therapy. We had 6 out of 7 kids needed it! It was about 14 years of speech. It was a glorious day!


Homeschool Corner

We ended school this month! Well, most of the kids did. A few have a subject they need to do a little more work to get caught up on. But overall, it is a wrap! Now to work on their portfolios for evaluation.


Prayer Requests

  • Support: We are still not fully supported and are actively raising support.
  • Homeschool: that is an ever going prayer
  • Guidance, wisdom, and discernment as God leads us as we lead the ministry.


Family Needs


We are currently at $1,050 monthly and where we need to be is $3,570. It has been by the grace and provision by God that we are making it. We could really use your help. Prayers and awareness of this need to others is much appreciated!

Here is further breakdown in each category:

Retirement: We are saving up to retire one day and being a good steward with our time in the future.

Misc.: Savings for emergencies and medical expenses like braces and casts. Education and field trips. Fun days with the kids as a family out, date nights with Joel & I (Danielle), and saving each month for vacations.

Transportation: gas, car insurance, maintenance, and repairs.

Living expenses: electricity, propane, internet, cell phones, clothing, food, and household items.


We received a one-time gift this month! Thank you for all the prayers, God has been so faithful.


Would you like to join our team? We need your help to continue to accomplish God’s vision for us at the ministry. Would you join us as a monthly supporter so we can continue the work God has started? We want to take you along for the journey and we would be honored to be able to share the experience with you. You would become part of the team and we would share how God is working and the impact it is having on His Kingdom. Please pray and ask God if you should join us.

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