June 2024 at CMTS Ministries

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14

Equip Updates

So far, we have two students signed up for Equip this year. Isaac from Canada and Sam from PA. We are praying for God to provide another one or two students, so please pray with us! We want Equip to continue to grow and flourish, so if you know someone who is graduating, direct them to the Equip page on the CMTS Ministries website for information on how to apply. Students interested receive a tour of the campus during the workday, and an opportunity to see what life at CMTS will be like. Enrollment closes July 17, 2024.


At the Ministry in Bernville, PA

Automotive Shops

In the Automotive Shop, Nick VanWert has been working on a few different projects. Between repairing staff vehicles, working on vans and cars for ministries, prepping Righteous Rides vans, and fixing trailers, to name a few things, he and Sam Adams have had their hands full. This month alone, they have had a minimum of 35 vehicles come through the shop.

Hilda Sylva’s mother went home to be with the Lord in Holland. She and Doug had planned to travel to Hawaii in July, but have rescheduled their plans to instead visit her family for the funeral. Please pray for safe travels, and for Hilda and her family as they mourn the loss and rejoice for her new home in Heaven.

The Warehouse

The Warehouse has seen a large amount of materials come through and move right back out to different ministries. Justin Darnell told the CMTS team that one day he sat down to go through the stack of papers tracking materials donated. One stack is of the last 2 months worth that have already been recorded; it is equal to this month’s that still needs to be recorded. This means that this month alone, the Warehouse has been able to serve & equip more than 30 ministries and missionaries!

In the words of Justin, things have been going out of the Warehouse like crazy, but somehow the shelves are still full. Please pray for more volunteers to join us in the Warehouse. Whether it is sorting, inventorying, manifesting, organizing, or whatever it may be, we would love to have more help in this highly impactful part of the ministry.


Maintenance & Hospitality

A group of 20 people from different churches, and a few CMTS staff, will be heading to Dryden, Ontario on July 21st. We are still actively raising funds to help all of the team members. Please pray for open doors, safe travels, unity among the different people teaming up to build a tiny home, and many opportunities to share about Jesus while traveling and in Canada.

Mike & Lisa Miller’s house is making good progress! With the help of Leam & Jason Nicholaides, Ray Pete, and some other wonderful volunteers, Trailer 2 was dismantled within 2 weeks. We are now hauling dirt to level out the area where their new house will be placed. There are still a lot of moving parts, but it is amazing how God worked this project out so well. In order for this project to be completed quickly, efficiently, and correctly, we needed a plumber (Jason), an electrician (Leam), and someone able to operate the excavator (Ray). Praise God that each important and necessary person was readily available to see this through!

As we reach mid-summer, Sandra Kline is beginning to get everything in order for the work groups soon arriving. We are looking forward to how we can bless them while they are here, and encourage the different people we will be meeting, some for the first time.

As for new faces, the ministry will soon be welcoming a new Front Desk person, Gaby Kraemer. As Hannah Noecker takes on a more administrative role, it has become necessary to get another person to help her. Please pray for Gaby as she makes this important decision to serve full time at CMTS.


CMTS Belize & the Merricks

From Andy & Nancy Merrick in CMTS Belize: “On June 17th, a strong storm with high wind gusts swept in from the west. There were lots of tree limbs down and it took out our internet receiver. Since 95% of our phone calls are internet based, this really cut off our ability to communicate. For me (Nancy) this past week was very hard as I felt isolated and almost depressed. The gray skies and 98% humidity did not help. I was reminded of many years ago when we went on our first mission assignment in Yarinacocha, Peru. The climate was very similar and there was no way to communicate with the outside world, except through a ham radio operator. Which we did twice a month. That was our training field and a very good time in our lives. Now, I really appreciate the advances in technology and being able to communicate with you so freely!”


Upcoming Events

Supporter Appreciation Dinner

Join us to celebrate how God has moved in CMTS Ministries through your support!
When: Friday, 7/19/24 @ 6:00PM
Where: CMTS Open House Field
RSVP by June 28, 2024


Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser

Got a mean serve? Join us at the CMTS volleyball tournament!
When: 9/14/2024 (time TBA)
Registration fee is $20/person. Teams of 4 must be registered by September 8, 2024.
Meal tickets available for purchase online. Check the CMTS website for more details!


Prayer Requests

This month, please be praying for:

  • The work groups coming to CMTS
  • The Canada trip
  • The apartments above the Auto Shop
  • Belize & the Merricks as they serve and build up CMTS Belize
  • Favor with the township in getting permits for the different building projects
  • Funds for the ministry. We desire to impact more people for Christ, and the ministry needs prayer & financial support to do so
  • Equip & E2
  • Financial support for the staff members
  • The leadership & board members
Fun Facts & Stats for June


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