July 2024 at CMTS Ministries

“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

Equip Updates

Aidan & Caleb returned on July 29th, bringing new energy to the staff and campus. Our 2 new students, Sam & Isaac, will be arriving August 2nd, one from Canada and the other from PA. Please pray for these 4 this year, that God would move in their lives, and that they would grow closer to Him as the year progresses. Also, continue to pray for past students as they do what God calls them to around the world.


At the Ministry in Bernville, PA

Automotive Shops

In the Automotive Shop, Nick VanWert has been working on a few different projects. Between repairing staff vehicles, working on vans and cars for ministries, prepping Righteous Rides vans, and fixing trailers, to name a few things, he and Sam Adams have had their hands full. This month alone, they have had a minimum of 35 vehicles come through the shop. Our goal for the Auto Shops is to provide trustworthy, affordable, and quality repair work for those who are serving Christ. Thanks to the Auto Shops, we are able to bless missionaries, ministry leaders, and others for their service!

The Warehouse

A few months ago, we received a large donation of bottled water that has slowly been depleting. When it was all gone, we realized that we needed more for upcoming fundraisers (like the volleyball fundraiser!) and for other ministries. As Justin Darnell set aside the last bit of water, he prayed asking God to provide more water; He answered that same day!

Justin, Mike & Lisa Miller, and the volunteers in the Warehouse have been able to use the donated items to help grow the Kingdom of God! Thanks to the donated items, we are able to connect with other ministries or connect them to each other, and have the items used for evangelism and much more. This vision also includes serving places in deep need; we have been preparing a shipment to go to Mayreau, which was hit hard by Hurricane Beryl. A few days after one of our partner ministries was hit badly and destroyed, Joel Smith spent a week there, working on repairing some of the buildings and encouraging the people on the island. He got a chance to talk with one of the residents, a young man who was struggling to understand how God could have allowed something like this to happen to them. Please pray for the people in Mayreau as they recover.

Maintenance, Hospitality, & More

Sandra Kline helped lead the Grace Community Church work group. While here, they were a huge blessing by clearing the space above the walk-in fridge & freezer so that it can be accessed for fixing, painting the Lapp’s house, sorting clothes, and much more! This group comes back every year, and this year, it grew by 2 extra youth. We were glad to have them, and look forward to next year. Work groups are a huge blessing to the ministry; our hope is that we can inspire them into missions while mentoring and discipling them to train & encourage others.

If you were able to, thanks for coming out to our Supporter Appreciation Dinner! We had a wonderful night sharing a meal, talking about how God moved at CMTS in the past 2 years, and thanking everyone for their support. Without your support, we couldn’t do what we do at CMTS!

The new home for Mike & Lisa Miller should be finished by mid-August. The township has been working well with us to get everything in order, and we are excited to soon have them living and serving alongside us full-time. As for the apartments above the shop, please keep praying that things will move along. We are looking forward to having the new housing for staff, and it is badly needed. Praise God, what an amazing problem to have!


Mission Trip Recap

The group that went to Dryden, Ontario, returned July 28th. Leam & Jason Nicholaides, who drove to Canada with some supplies for the trip, were blessed with a safe journey and no vehicle issues! For a group of people that were not well acquainted with each other, everyone worked really well together and built relationships that we pray will last beyond the trip. While there, they worked around the base of the ministry, doing insulation and electrical for the tiny home. They also served at a church in Sioux Lookout where they built a much needed and appreciated fence. The town has problems with homelessness and drugs, and the steps of the church was where most people would go to do drugs, get drunk, etc. Towards the end of that day, the group was approached by some neighbors who were excited to see the fence being built. They even talked with the Pastor and got information to send their young son to VBS.

Expect to hear about more trips like this! We send groups out to help encourage, serve, and build up other ministries by doing construction projects, evangelism, and more. We also want to inspire those who go on the trip to return with a service mindset and find somewhere that they can keep the momentum of furthering the Kingdom.


CMTS Belize & the Merricks

For an update on Andy & Nancy Merrick in CMTS Belize, check the website for an update from June!


Upcoming Events

Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser

Got a mean serve? Join us at the CMTS volleyball tournament!
When: 9/14/2024 (time TBA)
Registration fee is $20/person. Teams of 4 must be registered by September 8, 2024.
Meal tickets available for purchase online. Click here to register!


Prayer Requests

This month, please be praying for:

  • The work groups coming to CMTS
  • The Canada trip
  • The apartments above the Auto Shop
  • Belize & the Merricks as they serve and build up CMTS Belize
  • Favor with the township in getting permits for the different building projects
  • Funds for the ministry. We desire to impact more people for Christ, and the ministry needs prayer & financial support to do so
  • Equip & E2
  • Financial support for the staff members
  • The leadership & board members

Fun Facts & Stats for June


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