Pete’s Post | August 2024

1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.

Another month and still God is faithful!

The house next door that Ray and the other men have been tearing down is finally ready to be built up again. The footers are being dried for home delivery, hopefully next week. The new couple are living in a camper now and waiting to move in.

We spent 18 days in Massachusetts/New Hampshire helping friends. Ray did various construction jobs and I mostly cooked and babysat. We were able to attend three home going celebrations while we were there.

We brought Anna back with us for another month because Misti and Lily are going on their mission trip to Brazil this week. We played a lot of games and she has been helping me with crafts for OCC and will be helping me in the big kitchen along with a friend from church.

We had the CMTS appreciation dinner last week and a lot of the folks here went on a mission trip to serve in Canada.

VBS was last week at Victory. There were 65 children and several of their unchurched families have been back to visit the church, so pray for their salvations.

The Hendry’s (from Brazil) were able to stop in again for another short visit and we took them to a big thrift store. Conovers (from Honduras) were also able to visit.

Ray and I are praying about going on another mission trip to Honduras in February. We would be continuing to help the Conovers with groundwork for the Christian camp.

Ray is slowly working on the bus and I am still taking care of my elderly friend with dementia.

We are grateful for your continued prayer and support as we seek to serve Him.


Debbie and Ray Pete

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