Noecker Newsletter | March – May 2024

June Highlights

This summer has absolutely flown by! There was so much that happened, and it’s hard to believe that it’s already September. I’m so excited to tell you about how God worked this summer.

Every year in June, we have a Staff Retreat at Three Springs Ministries in Morris, PA. It is so peaceful and beautiful up there. I got to spend a time with my “coworkers” and read a book or two. We of course went on a horse ride, which was eventful this time around. Leam & Kai’s horses would NOT cooperate for them, and it became catching because Sandra’s horse did the same!

KC2, the new setup for the children’s program at church, has been running smoothly. There’s always a few things to work out with any new program, as we learned/are learning in the first few years of Equip. Nathan & Kristen Manbeck have been really encouraging. I’m now teaching PreK AND Kindergarten and 1st grade for 2 months at a time, then hopefully continuing in serving as a “grade guide” and taking a month off here and there. It took a bit for me to adjust to teaching the 2 older grades; for years, it’s been only PreK, and I was comfortable there. I love telling kids about Jesus and seeing them take in truth and have it change their lives! Now, I get to do that for kids that I had 2 years ago, again!


June Ministry Highlights

Mike & Lisa Miller are almost moved into their new home on campus! In May, they demo-ed Trailer 2 to prepare the site for a new house. I got to see some equipment I didn’t know CMTS had, and seeing Ray’s grin as he operated it was entertainment enough. Caleb was disappointed to hear that “all this equipment was getting used while he wasn’t around”, but CMTS never has a deficit of building projects so I’m sure he will get his opportunity. Mike & Lisa are currently living in a camping trailer by the Main House, and we are praying that the inspections go through so that they can move in in September! Mike is going to be helping wherever needed on campus, a huge help for many of the people here. Lisa will continue in the Warehouse, helping especially with the admin for that. They are a great couple, and we are blessed to have them with us full time.


July Highlights 

Our family went on vacation to Confluence again this year, where we celebrated the 4th of July. Last year, the glass door to the oven broke, and the Airbnb gave us a discount for the next time we came back. It’s a beautiful place there; the drive is 3 hours and I loved every minute of it. The Sunday I got back from vacation, Sandra and I made wild black raspberry and rapsberry jam! Neither of us had made jam before, and it might not be perfect, but we were so excited about it!


July Ministry Highlights

We had 3 or 4 Work Groups at the ministry this summer! Nick VanWert’s church, Grace Community Church in Allentown, was one of the first. Pastor Taylor and his family, Pastor John (Nick’s father-in-law) and his wife and daughter (Renee & Kate), and 3 of the youth from their church, were able to help with so many things around campus- clothes sorting, house painting, and cleaning above the walkins, to name a few! We were especially excited to have Kate around because she was a major help in planning, prepping, and executing the Supporter Appreciation (Donor) Dinner. She even offered to help us with events in the future, which is so exciting!! We could definitely use the help and fresh ideas and she’s got them!



The Canada trip was July 21-28, and it was a really good trip. We got to serve the ministry there in some awesome ways! Brandon & Val are the ministry directors for YWAM Sunset Country, and they are so great. Everyone felt welcomed and loved by their family, and their hearts are really intent on serving Christ where they are. We went to Sioux Lookout where their church is, and spent a day building a gate. The town has a large homeless, drug, and alcohol problem. People are searching for something more and lost thinking that drugs and alcohol will do the trick. They would gather and spend nights on the front steps of the church, partying and doing drugs, then leaving needles and other debris everywhere. The fence was much needed and so far has been a blessing to the church and their neighbors. Joel said that people were walking over and thanking them for helping with this. One neighbor family was able to talk to the pastor, and their son attended the VBS!

We had hoped to work with a children’s program at a First Nation’s church, but unfortunately it fell through. We were able to help a local camp who are friends of Brandon & Val’s, and make a connection with CMTS there. There was a lot of progress on the tiny home which will be staff housing for them too. There is a family willing to come serve with them, but they need a house. We helped them get a few steps closer! The group also built a “goat mansion” for their goats which are something they use well in their ministry. It’s a blessing to the community around Brandon & Val and to their family.

My role on the trip was to help Danielle make each meal. We were living in campers for a week and cooking over a stove outside, so there were some moments when I was… less than an ideal coworker. Danielle is so gracious to me; God has used her to bless me in immeasurable ways. She showed me the love and patience of Jesus, and I’m do grateful that she is in my life and is my best friend.

I want to say a special thank you to everyone who supported me by donating towards or praying for this trip. I was confident God would provide, but I still had moments of “Man, I really hope that He does!” And He did, of course! I am so glad and blessed to have been on this trip. My nephew Jon was with, and it was exciting to be with him for the week and see God use him to bless others. He stepped out and down into service in so many ways, and I was really really proud of him!

I’m sure we will never forget so many things about this trip, but especially the bonds built. Jon gave Peyton a bloody nose during Spoons, Isabella returned with a new playlist of Russian rap or SOMETHING thanks to Jason & Leam, Cam has some “fond memories” for the rest of his life involving screaming goats… There were so many more things that I’m slowly remembering as I type but this newsletter is so long already!

One more story, and this is a favorite silly one. While at the church, there was an abundance of people helping, time to sit and chill, and a lot of rocks around. Someone (Alyssa) had the bright idea of seeing how far she could still throw heavy objects. Danielle watched for traffic, as the street was the only empty area around (it wasn’t, there was a parking lot, but we didn’t think about that…), and at Danielle’s go-ahead, Alyssa launched a big ole rock into the road. Immediately, Brandon whipped his head around and yelled, in his best “Disappointed, Disciplining Dad Voice”, “HEY!” only to see Danielle sheepishly walking into the street to retrieve the rock. “I thought I was going to yell at a teenager for throwing big rocks into the street and it was Danielle????” Poor Brandon put up with a lot more that week. Just ask anyone on the trip about the Forrest Gump incident and they will have many more stories!!


August Highlights

The week we returned from Canada, Caleb and Aidan were back! While in the airport, I got a call asking why my car was unlocked. I knew for a FACT that it wasn’t, but the psychological warfare had only begun. Ok, yes, I missed them. But they don’t need to know that. Caleb & Aidan are in a more leadership focused role now, and this is going to so good for both of them! They get to help Nolan a lot and have hands-on experience in discipling the new guys. God is going to do some awesome things with, through, and in them this year. I can’t wait to see it!

I was able to go to a couple different fairs so far, which is a favorite activity of mine. I love fair food, and between the Kempton fair, Skook fair, and Kutztown Fair, I had my fill. Aidan & Caleb came back in August, a week before the Year 1 Equip students started, and that Saturday, we were all able to go to the Schuylkill fair together. We got there in time for them to catch the last bits of the tractor pulls, and they all seemed to really enjoy it. The new guys, Sam & Isaac have been adjusting pretty well, at least I think. Sam is from Macungie area, so he’s not too far out of his element. Isaac is from Canada but supposedly shed his Canadian roots in favor of becoming “Americanized”. They both really love working on cars, and I know that this year is going to be impactful for their spiritual lives. Seeing the way these guys grow in a year is a privilege to me.

Sandra, Wyatt (Sandra’s husband), Isabella (Sandra’s sister and a fellow Canada goer), and I got to go to the Phil Wickham & Brandon Lake concert! It was truly a taste of heaven. Thousands of people were gathered to sing and praise God, and I loved every minute of their performance. 10/10 would recommend, especially in the pit. Standing for 3 hours was worth it!

Danielle, Kristen, and I went to see Twisters, and if you haven’t seen it, take my word for it: you must. We all left the theater impressed by how amazing this movie is. To my memory, there was little cursing, there was nothing inappropriate, and it was just such a good story! Again, I reiterate: 10/10 would recommend.

The family had one more summer outing to Knoebels. Ella, Max, and I did a few rides while Ned & Hannah had the girls in the kid’s section. Ashley & Kevin took the boys on a couple coasters before we all met back up for pizza and a few final rides as a group. It was really nice to spend time with them, and because it was Knoebels, Hani got to go too! She loves spending time with my parents so it was really a treat for her.


August Ministry Highlights

A group of middle/high school students spent a week with us. Sandra led the group really well; she is so good at what she does here! They seemed to love serving at CMTS, and it was a great opportunity for Aidan and Caleb to lead their own groups doing things like washing cars, cleaning the rocks from the driveway, and working in the Warehouse. They hope to return next year, and it will be nice for us to see them again!

Things in the office haven’t slowed down at all, but I don’t mind a bit. I love what I do, and serving God with my computer skills may not seem like much, but I know there is a greater effect for the Kingdom than I will ever know. Christ Link started back up, and there is a good group of new and returning volunteers. Wes has built a great ministry with a huge spiritual impact that God is continuing to grow over time. Praise the Lord for the way He uses all of His people with a big variety of skills!


Where’s God?

Everywhere! But specifically:

  • He has been growing me and stretching me to my limits.
  • He’s continued to provide finances every month. I’m learning to trust God with His money. I have heard, seen, and borne witness to God controlling money in such a way that it is so obviously Him (and His). I look forward to Him continuing to do so for the ministry, for myself, and for my coworkers especially. I have been blessed with consistent financial support each month and it can only be because of God. I can’t stress this enough, but I couldn’t do this without your support!
  • He has protected the ministry. Sometimes, I am struck by the thought or realization that I will never fully understand the depths to which God has gone, is going, and will go to protect this ministry.
  • He has given me a community. I am so blessed to live at CMTS and serve here. The people around me truly love to serve God every day, and it shows! Our unity as a group united towards the goal of serving Him is beautiful.
  • He’s blessed me with a supportive family. My biological family, my spiritual family, and my chosen family.
  • He’s provided consistently for everyone at the ministry. God has provided low-cost resources through places like Hornings and Blessings of Hope, or donations of food from churches, etc. He promised to provide for our basic needs, and I have seen Him hold true to that promise.
  • He’s shown me grace and mercy when I truly don’t deserve it. He’s been using other people to remind me of His love and mercy, and He’s teaching me to become more like Him in this way.
  • He’s proven His trustworthiness and His steadfast, enduring love over and over. Something that Justin Darnell loves to talk about is “the love of God”. And when you hear something over and over for months at a time, eventually it starts to stick. I’m working on making that truth stick just a little more each day.
  • He has answered many prayers, and I think I see Him moving in my life. I can feel like God is ignoring me, and I know He never does. But there’s something about having Him answer my prayers or speak to me during my quiet time with Him that makes me feel loved and special.


Prayer Requests:

  1. Continued Provision! I know that God can and will provide my needs because He’s promised it, and His faithfulness is unending. That being said, He does tell us to remind Him (or ourselves really) of His character. So pray with me for God to be God.
  2. Please continue to pray for me as I seek His will, follow His plan, and surrender my own. Please pray for me as I seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness. I am striving to be content where I am, not looking for something that won’t satisfy like Christ will. It’s been a year since I removed Facebook & Instagram from my phone, and while I occasionally check them, it’s been so much better for me to be freed from that form of instant comparison and bitterness from seeing other people’s “best”.
  3. Pray for strength and wisdom for myself and everyone else at the ministry. Pray for strength and wisdom for myself and everyone else at the ministry. Especially for the men and women in leadership. God is bigger than any challenge we’ve faced yet. He is sovereign!
  4. Pray for the different projects happening around campus, for the finances to handle all these things, and for wisdom and protection. I know that God has provided and will, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still wonder how He’s gonna do it.
  5. Pray for the Equip program.
  6. Pray for E2. Caleb and Aidan have to raise support for their intern year at CMTS. Everyone has encouraged them to trust God to provide as He promised He would, but I know from experience that that is a constant and difficult process. Pray that God would move miraculously to provide all they need, and then some!
  7. Pray for the different aspects of the ministry: the Righteous Rides partnership, the Warehouse, the Automotive Shops, maintenance and hospitality people, the leadership, the administration, all the things!
  8. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send more workers into His field (see Matthew 9:38). We need help. A few of the major areas of need are in:
    • the kitchen 
    • the office (with me!)
    • Equip
    • The Warehouse
    • The Automotive shops
    • Hospitality
  9. Pray that I would find contentment and fulfillment in Christ alone, and that I would be persistent in prayer for His will, not mine.
  10. Pray for my dad & family. Dad is doing a lot better, praise the Lord! Pray that we would continue to trust God as he heals and that we would surrender to Him.


In Christ, 
Hannah Noecker
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