“For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying, ‘Fear not, I will help you.'” Isaiah 41:13
Equip Updates
The students and Nolan Lapp had their first trip. Every year, Equip spends a week at Circle K; we plan this time 6 weeks into the year to allow them time to get to know each other and become comfortable enough that they need the time away with just their group. The 5 of them worked around the grounds, cutting trees and refinishing tables, and spent a lot of time reading God’s Word and discussing it with each other. Aidan & Caleb helped Nolan prep for the trip and cook meals for the group. Overall, they have benefitted from the time away and grown closer as a group.
At the Ministry in Bernville, PA
Automotive Shops
Nick VanWert was able to, with Caleb’s help, work on nearly 40 vehicles this month. The Automotive Shop’s have been a blessing for the ministry and for the many pastors, churches, and missionaries that we serve each day. As our shop grows, please continue to tell others about our services. We would love to provide affordable vehicle repairs to missionaries and ministries that are spreading the gospel and who share our vision. We also greatly benefit from donations of vehicles that we can repair to sell to someone in need!
Doug & Hilda Sylva were able to take time to visit supporters and family in Hawaii. They also said goodbye to Kai who, along with Donovan from last year’s Equip year, is in Monterrey, Mexico, for a few months. Sam was with him for his first rotation and said this:
“For my first month I was stationed with Doug Sylva in the Auto body shop in the afternoons. Here I learn many different tools and what they are used for. Our first project was a minivan for a local pastor who had an accident. Doug pulled the frame chains and compression and I helped weld a few pieces and fixed a shop chair. Later we painted a team member’s bumper after sanding and filling it with body filler.”
The Warehouse
Justin Darnell, Lisa Miller, & Johnny Debkowski have continued to go through the Warehouse and remove old stock as needed. Aidan has gone with Justin on multiple donation runs, picking up and dropping off items. One week, they were able to serve another ministry who packs and ships thousands of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. The roof of the warehouse they’d been donated had caved in, and Justin & Aidan’s help was greatly appreciated.
Serving in the Warehouse is a great way to see God’s provision at work. Every time we run out of something important such as bottled water, toilet paper, or laundry detergent, we have prayed and watched God answer almost immediately. If you want to be encouraged, consider coming to serve in the warehouse with Lisa, Tricia, Maike, Cindy, & Robin!
Maintenance, Hospitality, & More
On top of the hill, Mike Miller & Ray Pete have been working to remove the scrap pile, and they’ve already filled 10+ dumpsters. The area around the Warehouse is looking amazing, and we are so grateful for their positive attitudes. Leam has been making progress on getting the permits to finish the apartments above the Auto Shops.
We ask that you please pray for this project to move swiftly. We are in need of more housing for more staff members, and these apartments would be a huge help! We want to ask more people to join this ministry and increase our work for the Lord, but in order to do that, we need somewhere for them to live. Sandra & Wyatt Kline have been blessed with short-term housing with family, but being in the community is integral, and we miss having them around campus for extra fellowship. Please pray!
CMTS Belize & the Merricks
Andy & Nancy Merrick’s most recent newsletter is available to read on the website. Here’s an excerpt from their September update:
“Now that I am off duty, I am busy taking care of some personal needs. Last week, I had my 4 month post operation checkup with my orthopedic doctor. He was pleased with my healing progress and gave the go ahead for the left hip replacement. I am in chronic pain with that hip and I am eager to get it done. The problem is the surgeon is scheduling into December now. I have been placed on the wait list, hoping there will be a cancellation I can fill in. For now, I plan to stay in Bernville, PA, until November. If there is no opening for my surgery by then, I will return to Belize for the winter and make plans for a spring surgery. I am trusting the Lord for His provision of what is best.
Andy is doing well in Belize. Peter and Jose are there working too. Andy will attend a Pastor’s Conference in early October. The purpose of this conference is to encourage and equip pastors and ministry leaders in Belize. I am so thankful for the internet that allows us to communicate with ease. Thanks for your encouraging messages, support, and prayers.”
Where in the World is Joel Smith?
Hi everyone! Some may remember past newsletters featuring a Director’s Corner. Joel and I are rebooting it to follow the tradition. We understand how valuable it is, especially since we can’t update everyone face to face!
This June, Joel & I followed God’s lead to South Texas. Four years ago, we felt God’s calling to plant a CMTS in Texas. Andy Merrick, our founder, felt the same many years ago. We prayed and asked God to lead the way; if HE wanted us to visit Texas, HE would need to have people invite us down there. While planning the Mexico trip for Equip I was looking through old newsletters from the 1990’s of CMTS and saw a few names that I have never heard of. We reached out to them and received an invitation to visit them. We prayed and asked God to keep the momentum going if this was His will for us to do this.
While in Mexico, Jared, the Director of the ministry base we stay at, said he wanted help getting Bibles, clothes, and other things to the communities around his base. We prayed that God would open doors if we were meant to help him. Another ministry base in the states offered to let Jared park a tractor trailer on their land, right over the border, and use smaller vans to get the supplies across the border. In addition, they know the border patrol, which makes things easier. After that invitation, more and more people kept inviting us.
We flew down to San Antonio, Laredo, and McAllen for 5 days. There, we met with 6 different pastors and ministries and made connections for more later on. We also drove over 800 miles and in 2 tropical storms on dirt roads. It looks like shipping to Mexico is gaining momentum again! One pastor was so excited about CMTS that he offered to donate land when he next receives a donation. While it does not seem like we are starting another CMTS in Texas tomorrow, God is doing something. We wait for Him to do what He wants, and we are excited to resume shipping into Mexico again.
And an awesome update from this was (on September 23, 2024) the church we met while in McAllen, Texas sent us photos of Jared and his team from Monterrey, Mexico, stopping by their church to collect 500 Bibles! They fellowshipped and praised Jesus, because that is 500 more people that will be given God’s Word of Life! We are so thankful that God is building bridges and connections through us.
And one of the most important parts of what Joel and I do as we travel to each place is encourage and uplift the pastors and ministry leaders while we are there. Nothing says we care, more than visiting them at their home and seeing what God is doing through them, and encouraging them in their trials. This helps to keep them going.
Thanks so much for being a part of this journey! Thank you for seeing the Gospel Impact that our ministry has. We will continue to update you on our travels and share exciting stories of God working. It is a privilege to see this so often and to sit in awe as God works everything out. We serve a great God. I love being His co-worker and getting to be a part of what He is doing.
Answered Prayer
Praise the Lord for answered prayers! We received the funds needed to pay the legal fees, engineer fees, and other township fees. The ministry is so blessed to have supporters stand behind us to help us further the spread of the gospel by serving His workers.
As these projects progress, we will need more help paying for the building permits, and other projects. Please pray and consider donating to help us in this. If you are interested in making a donation, contact the Front Office to learn how, or visit cmtsministries.com to donate online.
Prayer Requests
This month, please be praying for:
- The work groups coming to CMTS
- The Canada trip
- The apartments above the Auto Shop
- Belize & the Merricks as they serve and build up CMTS Belize
- Favor with the township in getting permits for the different building projects
- Funds for the ministry. We desire to impact more people for Christ, and the ministry needs prayer & financial support to do so
- Equip & E2
- Financial support for the staff members
- The leadership & board members
Fun Facts & Stats