Adams Family Newsletter | April 2022

April 16, 2022

Dear Friends and Family,

He is Risen!  Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the absolute JOY of Jesus’s power over sin and death and His reign in our hearts!  We hope that you have had an incredible Easter season intentionally focusing on His sacrifice, victory, and love!

We are also rejoicing that I am back at CMTS, having been cleared to drive and to work. I’ve seen a neurologist and had an MRI and CT scan and everything looks good.  Praise the Lord! It is probable that the few dizzy spells I had were related to fluctuating blood sugar or pressure, but also some of the medications I am taking are known to cause dizziness.  I am all set to have the ablation on April 29. Lord willing that will allow me to get off those medicines.  We are so thankful to our home church who has helped us tremendously be able to pay for these extra medications.  Please continue to pray for the ablation and that it is effective.  

Melissa is also back to work after taking a family medical leave when I could not be alone.  She is very busy teaching the children at our church, all she does at Fellowship Community, and making sure everything is running at home with the boys and me. 

Jack and Tucker are in their last quarter of school.  Jack just finished basketball season and is now playing on the volleyball team. Tucker is taking good care of his dog and having friends over on the weekends. 

Dan and Laura continue to grow their photography business and have just moved about 45 minutes south of Schroon Lake.  This gets them closer to their dearest friends, an actual town, and their church. They are working hard and serving well.  

Ashleigh and Micah had Tucker overnight during his Easter break.  He loves doing that with them.  They are both excelling in their jobs and help us out often with all kinds of things – driving me when I couldn’t, haircuts, meals, internet help.  It’s a big blessing. 

I think most of you know that Cam and Morgan are expecting a baby this summer.  “Chief and Marmee” are very excited grandparents!  Cam and Morgan will be wonderful parents.  They are also thriving in their church where Cam is the Associate Pastor of Youth and College Students. Morgan continues to work remotely for Liberty Christian Academy.

Caleb works locally and is very involved in raising his son Charlie.  Charlie is such a sweet little guy.  Keep praying for God to get a hold of Caleb and for Charlie to come to know Jesus at a young age.  


That’s a brief family update, now on to the ministry at CMTS. Plans for the EQUIP program that we introduced to you last letter are really coming along.  Funds were raised to redo the apartment rooms upstairs which will be used for the housing of the EQUIP students.  

We were also able to renovate one of the cottages for Hannah Noecker who has been our secretary for about 6 months now.  She has been a real blessing and a great addition to the ministry. 

A second home on the property has been renovated for our newest couple Nolan and Jenny Lapp.  Nolan has taken on the role of Maintenance Supervisor. Jenny works as a nurse full-time, however, they are both on the Equip Staff as dorm parents.

In March, the ministry was able to provide supplies to a local rescue mission. We were able to get brand new clothing to Lebanon County Christian Ministries to help their ministry. The Lord also used CMTS to help a ministry that serves orphanages in Uganda with supplies and an entire truckload of stacking chairs. 

We sent a tractor-trailer and RV to Belize for the ministry team there and our staff team that went to Mexico for two weeks has just returned back to our PA headquarters.  They were able to help a church in Monterey with much in-person ministry as well as drive down needed supplies.

At this time, we are working on raising funds to ship a bus to a ministry in Haiti called “Emmaus University”.  They need this bus to be able to transport students to the Christian college and to transport people to and from church. 

Our current fleet vehicles have been driven over 10.6 million miles. Thank you for helping to make that happen! We have a prayer request for more donated vehicles or some great deals on vehicles that we would purchase. The need has been growing and the requests have exceeded our current fleet size.


Thank you so much for all your prayer and support. I thank God that I am still here to serve Him.  Thank you for serving with us. 

In Christ,

Sam and Melissa Adams 

Jeremiah 29: 11-13


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