Adams Family Newsletter | January 2022

Jan. 12, 2022

Dear Family and Friends,

Whoa, what an incredible few months it has been! We have so much to be thankful for and so much to pray about. We will attempt to be as brief as possible but there is so much to share.

By now most of you are aware of what happened with Sam on December 2nd, so here is a recap:

  • Sam had already been knowingly in Atrial -fibrillation (A-fib) for a while and under his cardiologist’s care. Medication started, Electrical Cardioversion planned for Dec. 6 to be followed up with an ablation.
  • Medication to help prepare his heart for the 6th reacted in exact opposite way it should have and threw him into ventricular tachycardia and an emergency situation on the 2nd.
  • Heart shock in the ER to save his life did what the planned shock was supposed to do, so planned shock cancelled.
  • Spent 5 days in the cardiac ICU getting incredible care. Heart catheterization showed no blockages – solidifying the theory that the medication was to blame.
  • New medicine keeping him out of a-fib, sent home with an external defibrillator vest and instructions to not work or drive for the time being.
  • Melissa given Family Medical leave from her work to be able to stay with him and care for him.
  • Echocardiogram scheduled for this Thursday, Jan. 13 with follow-up visit the next day to go over results and determine if his heart has healed enough for the original ablation.

Thank you SO MUCH for all of you who have been praying, encouraging, and helping us through this time in practical ways. God has been so gracious. We had the joy of seeing all our children and grandson over Christmas and many of our extended family as well. We praise the Lord for that blessing it hit a little sweeter this year as we know it could have been so different.

Much has been happening at the ministry as well. Things are really moving and God is growing CMTS in amazing ways. Here are some highlights:

We filled up a U-haul destined for a shipment to Haiti. After the earthquake there, many items are needed. God provided the supplies to CMTS and sent these men to collect them from us to get them into the hands of those in need. We are also sending a 15 passenger van full of food, clothes and school supplies. The van will then be used by our friend Pastor Charlie to transport students for church events.

Chaplegate Boys Brigade came out to the ministry and helped us pack the 48′ trailer for Belize, sort clothing and supplies in the warehouse, learn bodywork in the detail shop, and repair an axle for a car trailer. We will send the trailer along with a pickup truck, 31′ camper, and an RV to Belize in February with our yearly work team.

Joel Smith was named “Director of CMTS Pennsylvania”. Joel, his wife Danielle, and their six children have been serving at CMTS since June of 2019. They have been a tremendous addition to the ministry and encouragement to us personally.

Andy Merrick continues serving as the Executive Director, but his focus is on preparing CMTS Belize for the future. Andy and Nancy left for Belize on December 31st and will stay there for all of 2022. They will be working on completing the bathhouse and a 2-story building to house the people coming to Belize for vocational training around solar, water, automotive, construction, and more. So far there are 20 people interested in this training.

We currently have over 40 missionaries using our loaner vehicles and we need more donated vehicles to add to our fleet. We are also planning two building phases to renovate and maintain the property here in PA so that we can serve the Lord and missionaries more efficiently and effectively.

God is adding to our staff and it’s been so exciting. You can visit our website here to read about the team members and see more of what’s going on with the ministry.

One of the really special ways God is growing the staff is in relationships. There is a real sense of unity and enjoyment of one another. We were so touched when, since Sam hasn’t been able to go to the ministry, the ministry came to us! We had 11 of our staff surprise him with pizza, prayer, and fellowship. What a crew!

Lastly, we are including several brand-new publications to this update. We are thrilled with all that God is doing and are excited to share it with you. For the more local friends, we’ve also added an invite to our upcoming banquet and would love the chance to celebrate God together in person and thank you for your part in His ministry through CMTS.

Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God in every remembrance of you”

We love you

We need you.

We could not serve without you,

Sam and Melissa Adams

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