Aidan’s Archives March 2024


Something that hit me as I started to look back on the last month is I have only three newsletters left (including this one). That means you readers only have to suffer through three more sagas of my adventures. The last few weeks have been dragging by for me. Not being able to drive has been hitting me hard. Finding parts was my main problem, and after finding what I thought was a functional airbag and clockspring, I thought maybe I would be driving soon. I was very wrong. Turns out, ebay blatantly lies to you sometimes. The clockspring I ordered was the wrong one, and when I went on my computer to check when my airbag was ariving, I found out the company had decided to void the order for some reason. Needless to say, I wasn’t amused. After rectifying my clockspring mistake, and finding a new airbag, I still wasn’t in the green yet. When the correct clockspring arrived, I set it down for a little while, and then couldn’t find it for the life of me. I was so frustrated and angry that I decided to take a walk to calm down and hopefully think straight. It was a good opportunity to practice controlling my anger and being patient with myself. I prayed about finding it and to not be so angry about little things in life, and God helped me find it after I returned to the mission. Sam had played a practical joke on me by hiding it in the back of the shop. 


Pranks are not anything new for the shop. Sam and Nick constantly pull little jokes on each other. I decided that it would be funny to round up some people and pull a prank on Sam. We decided on filling up Sam’s car with balloons. Nick had encouraged us to do it during the staff meeting, but that was canceled so when we learned Sam would be gone all morning on a Friday, we knew our time had come. Now for people’s safety from Sam’s revenge, I can tell you the culprits definitely weren’t me, Logan, Caleb, Donny, Sandra, and Hannah (yes being the photographer of this event counts as participation Hannah).  We carried over tons of balloons, and watched as they spilled into Sam’s backseat and trunk. Sam took it well and spent a large portion of his afternoon popping balloons in the shop. 


Vocations have been crazy for me. My time in the shop has come to an end, but now I’m working with Ray again. If I had to describe Ray to someone, he’s like mad scientist becomes a Christian. We started off our time together with a daunting task ahead of us. Getting an old vintage race car we were donated running once again. After some preparation and a lot of pushing, we managed to roll the car onto one of the lifts in the shop and we went to work immediately. The first afternoon, we were able to diagnose lots of the things we would need to do such as get the starter rebuilt, and flush out the fuel tank and lines. It was a cool opportunity for us to start a really fun project and it was a great teaching opportunity for Ray. Logan was joining us in vocation for the day, and we were able to explain how combustion engines work. It was an awesome way to start off my vocational time with Ray. Unfortunately, the CMTS plague (Typhoid Caleb) struck again, and he was down for the count for a few days. Luckily for me, Justin had plenty of work to do up in the warehouse. During those afternoons, I helped load up the new construction trailer with all kinds of goodies. I always enjoyed working with Justin and so I was happy to spend an extra week or so up top. When Ray returned, the weather was absolutely beautiful so we decided to work outside for a change. We started the soffiting on our new overhang. It was a great opportunity for me to learn a new skill and challenge myself.  Eventually we have made it back to working on the race car once again. With some fuel, a lot of starter fluid, and a dream, we successfully started the race car and have gotten it to run.


This last week we had our staff easter dinner. Ray, Logan, and I have all experimented with pizza dough and so we decided we would provide the main course of pizza. Danielle and Joel gave it the green light so we all began preparing for the pizza competition. Unfortunately, due to some family circumstances, Ray had to leave for Maine and was unable to participate in the competition. That left only Logan and I to supply enough dough for everybody. Luckily for us, Hannah heard our cry for help and offered to aid us. Thursday night, after class we gathered in the kitchen to prepare absolutely massive batches of dough. Friday was a fast paced day. All I could think about was the pizza competition. I was let out of vocation a little early and Logan and I convened in the kitchen. We began preperation and Danielle and Hannah came to help us. They were a huge blessing and we definitely wouldn’t have finished on time without them. Overall, everybody loved the pizza. It was fun to enjoy a night of fellowship and food. Logan won this bout with his pizza but I am undeterred and shall continue to perfect pizza dough recipes. 


Throughout the last few weeks, I have been trying to work on some anger issues and pride issues. Its difficult when you have a sin issue so deeply rooted into because it requires a total change in mindset as well as actions. Philipians 2:4 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” I’ve realized that I need to completely destroy my selfish ambition and actually start valuing the people around me. Doug and Hilda have been a huge encouragement through this and also a wealth of good advice. They are so easygoing and full of God’s wisdom. Sitting down and talking and praying with them has definitely helped me look at certain things from another angle. Another way God has been talking to me lately has been through our Experiencing God class. The last few weeks have been focused on unity and love for one another in the church. I have realized I don’t show the love of Christ to my fellow believers by sitting in the corner being antisocial. Danielle recently pulled me aside and challenged me to be more social in the church and try to make some connections while I’m down here. I feel as if all of these factors combined is definitely God trying to tell me to show love to my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Another major thing God has been doing in my life is deciding to join E2. E2 is an extension of Equip where certain students are invited to stay another year, work full time on the mission, and help serve with the first year students. I’m both excited and nervous to be given more of a leadership type roll around the mission. Please keep me in your prayers as I will need it for sure. I appreciate all of you readers and prayer warriors who have kept praying and supporting me.