April 2022 at CMTS


What an amazing journey it was in Monterrey. Seven people went to Monterrey, Mexico, from April 4th-12th. Our mission was to build relationships and prepare for the Equip students going down in 2023. Our team followed God’s calling to present the “Celebrate Recovery” program, work with local churches, work with the children’s programs, and build relationships for future trips. Thank you for your prayers and support. While there, we:

  • witnessed at least 6 people giving their lives to the Lord
  • connected local ministries together that will continue to work together all year long
  • made lifetime relationships with other missionaries and encouraged them and was encouraged by the people in Mexico.



There is still time to serve in Belize this year. There are almost a dozen men already in the process of getting their Visas to train in Belize. We still need help in completing some of the infrastructure and with help setting up the programs



The team has been actively working on renovations around the ministry. There is a need to complete many projects around the mission so we can effectively serve others.

We have started the renovations in the men’s dorm area. This area will be housing the young men that are in the Equip program. This area will give them a comfortable place to live and to fellowship together while in the program. Praise God for those that have volunteered their time and finances.


Joel Smith, Director CMTS Ministries of Pennsylvania

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