April Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear Supporters,

Mission/Vocation work

A couple of weeks ago we went to Mexico. It was nice we got to meet a lot of Godly people at JUCUM (Spanish name for YWAM). We were there for a whole week, to evangelize, give out clothes, food and Bible’s. When we got there, the next day we unpacked all the suitcases that we brought. We went street evangelizing and got to talk and pray to a bunch of people. 

The next day we went around the neighborhood and evangelized. There was only one person to answer that was okay if we prayed for her. I got to pray for her. After that we went to a recovery program for women. There were about twenty girls.  

The third day we went to someone’s house, the lady’s name is Sarah but she was not there. Her mother was there though and we got to talk to her. She was so sweet and loving. Later we went to the migrant center. I helped organize things like baby and adult diapers, masks, and wet wipes. Joel and some others cut hair for people while talking to them about God. 

Day four Jenny, Grace, Hannah, Kylie, Karen, and I made cards that had Bible verses on them to give out to people. I really enjoyed that and I want to do that more. Later there was a guy named Alfredo who did a lesson, and he prayed for everyone individually. Let me tell you something. I have been struggling with myself, my body since I came to Mexico. I have no idea why but all I know is that I felt ugly. Alfredo gets to me and prays and says, ” God wants you to know that you’re beautiful and a daughter of the king.” At that time I was trying not to laugh because I laugh when I’m nervous. Now I am just so thankful. I know he loves me, but just getting a reminder from him. 

The next day we went to pallet town. It’s not actually called that. We just call it that because houses there are made out of pallets. We worshiped God with them and talk to them while handing out food. In the afternoon we went to a park and gave a lesson and then played some games with them. We also gave them snacks afterwards. 

We went to an outdoor church there. Honestly I love outdoor churches. We sang and some people shared their testimonies. Grace and I then went to a kids church Sunday school thing. 

The last day that we were in Mexico we went to Santiago. We got to walk around. We got ice cream, and ate food that was honestly so good. I regret eating the day before or breakfast if I had (I don’t really eat breakfast.) I could not finish it but I was so tempted. Overall Mexico was a really good trip. I definitely do not regret going. 

Personal Life

I got to go back and meet my family for Easter. Grace went with me so I wouldn’t have to witness my horrible driving skills alone ( Don’t worry my skills are not that bad. I sometimes like to be dramatic. It gives flavor to my life and makes it a little less boring.) She also went so she could hang out with my family and I. She definitely was forced wanted to be there.  

Bitty missed me so much. I honestly tear up when I have to leave to go back to CMTS. Her brown eyes sadly look at you in a way that makes you question why you’re leaving. The look of abandonment knowing that it will never be the same. Heck she might need therapy for the rest of her life and the pain of knowing you are the reason why she needs it. I’m not paying for it though.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that this Kentucky trip will go well and that we don’t kill each other since we will be in a bus for fourteen hours.
  • Pray that I will be able and willing to talk to people about Jesus.

Love, Emilia <3

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