August 2023 at CMTS

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16

Equip Update

The 4 students, Aidan, Logan, Caleb, and Donovan moved on campus at the beginning of the month and brought a lot of energy with them. It’s been an interesting four weeks of learning and watching them develop friendships and grow as a group. They each wrote an introductory newsletter and posted it to the website; we highly encourage you to read those as they provide insight into each student’s testimony, their thoughts about Equip, and why they chose to join the program. They will be rotating vocations differently than last year, so we look forward to how they will help shape Equip for future years, just as last year’s students did.


Around the Ministry in Bernville, PA

Nick VanWert and Sam Adams worked with Caleb in the Automotive Shop, giving him additional skills in mechanics. The summer months always brought a lot of movement for the Loaner Vehicle Program, and that has not changed since partnering with Righteous Rides. We’ve seen fewer missionaries because of the smaller fleet size but still maintained a busy garage from taking in other vehicles for pastors, churches, etc. Doug Sylva has been teaching Donovan in the Auto Body Shop, and working to prepare vehicles for missionaries to drive.

In the Warehouse, Justin Darnell, Johnny Debkowski, Joel Smith, and the students packed a shipment to Haiti, where they are in desperate need of food and other supplies. Through donations from staff and other generous donors, we were able to raise enough funds to purchase 12 pallets of rice. One lb of rice is estimated to give 16 children 1 meal; the 12 pallets weighed approx. 18,000 lbs. meaning that hundreds will be impacted by this shipment. We are so grateful and blessed by the support for this. The Kenya shipment still needs $8,500 to get it to its destination. If you’re interested in donating to help him reach his goal, please contact the Front Office.

We gained a new staff member, Sandra DaMore, who will be starting full-time as our Hospitality and Outreach Coordinator. Ray Pete has been working with Logan to fix what will be Sandra’s bathroom floor in the first-floor apartment. We are excited to say that the septic project is complete and working well, and other than a slight hiccup with the well pump at the end of the month, Ray has been able to focus on getting Trailer 2 ready for the roofing crew visiting in September.

Volunteer Opportunities:

If you follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram, you may have seen that there is a team of 4 people coming to fix the roof of the main house. We would love to have additional help for the week of September 18-23. For additional details, please contact us. Bernville is still in need of kitchen volunteers for a day or two. We have some people consistently for certain weekdays and would love to have others to serve during the remaining days. 



Andy and Nancy Merrick will be visiting for the month of September. They plan to see friends, family, and supporters, as well as fit in as many doctor appointments as possible. If you want to meet with them while they are here, you can contact them via email ( or phone.

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