August-September Equip Newsletter – Grace

Mission work/ Vocation work:


For the first 10 weeks of the Equip program, Emi and I worked in the mechanic shop with Sam, Nick, and Ray. It was a ton of fun to work with the guys and learn how to do different things on cars. More recently we moved up to the warehouse to work with my Uncle Justin. We were all very excited about it and I can’t wait to see how the next 10 weeks of this rotation pan out. 


We also went on our first mission trip in August. It feels like it was forever ago but oh well. We went to a camp called Circle K and just did some general cleanup for them. Circle K is a Christian camp that used to do day camps in the summer but has since switched over to doing different things for the local church. We also chopped wood for them and let’s just say that they won’t be needing wood chopped again for a good long while. I had a lot of fun on this trip and feel like we really bonded as a team. 


Personal Life:


I’m doing pretty well here. Recently, I got to go to North Carolina and visit with my family over the Labor Day weekend. It was a really good break for me to come away and see my family for a while. We, (the Lapps, and the other students) also went boating recently. Without going into too much detail, let’s just say it was complete and utter chaos. It was chaos in the best possible way though because I will be remembering that trip for the rest of my life. 


Living on my own has been getting better. I still struggle with meal planning but I think that is just something that comes with age. The classes are also going well. We started a new class on Thursdays. We are learning about the myth of evolution and it’s been very interesting so far. Debbie is also teaching Emi and me to sew. We are learning how to do the dresses for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and it’s been great to know we are going to be making a difference in those kids’ lives. 


Prayer Requests:


  • Continued provision of finances for Equip. I am currently at $1,500 of the $4,500 needed. Thank you to everyone who has financially supported me in this. 
  • That my relationships with God and the other people here continue to grow and develop. 
  • Please pray for me as I seek God’s will in what to do after this year. 
  • There is a deaf women’s conference that I will be attending in October. Please pray for all the people who will be attending, that God moves in their hearts and teaches them what He wants them to learn this weekend.


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