Caleb’s Chronicles Happy New Year 2024!

Hello, and Happy New Year! Here is a little bit of a recap from December as well. December 10th-17th a group of 18 (we 4 students, Joel and Danielle and their 6 kids, some staff, and some volunteers) drove down to the small town of Glennville, Georgia, to assist in the building of a house for a local missionary. She plans on using it both as a home and a place where she can train others for ministry. It was a really fun trip. Working hard doesn’t have to be a bore, and it certainly was not on this project. The house was already constructed; we did tasks such as painting the siding and laying the subfloor. It was really cool working together both with folks I knew and with those that I got to know during the week. A local church in Glennville served us every single meal every single day we were down there, and their hospitality was just fabulous. We were hoping we could be an encouragement while we were on this trip, and we ended up being encouraged by their generosity! It’s cool that God works that way. 


We weren’t just working. On Wednesday there was not enough work at the job site for all of us, and a group of us visited some folks at a local nursing home. We stayed at a motel in town, and in the evenings, a group of us often walked through the streets of Glennville and got to meet a few people. I am really glad that I had the opportunity to go on this trip. It was neat to see God work and to have fellowship with believers in a different part of the country. 


We had Christmas break starting the 21st, and I had a good time back in New York, even though my brother came home from college and took my bed… It’s weird how quickly an originally empty week-and-a-half can become packed, but I’m happy with what I was able to accomplish at home, and glad that I was able to grace my family with my benevolent presence. I worked on some family cars, hung out with some friends, and spent time with my family at home. 


Happy New Year again! It is now 2024, and time sure flies. I am excited that I get to work in the mechanic shop again, and in my spare time I am replacing the transmission on a project car. All sorts of other projects and events are always happening at CMTS too. There is never a boring moment, and I thank the Lord that He has me here at this time.

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