December 2022 at CMTS

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth”   -John 1:14

Equip Update

The Equip students participated in a Gingerbread competition this month, which was judged by the staff. If you’re interested in seeing their creations, check out our Instagram or Facebook. It was a privilege to see them express creativity and try new things.

Our first Open House for the 23/24 Equip year was on December 3rd. We had two students and their parents attend; please pray for them as they discern God’s will in regard to Equip. Our goal for next year is to have 8 students, so Nolan and I (Joel) have gone to 3 schools in the past month to talk about Equip. We have been met with a lot of enthusiasm and interest from teachers, counselors, and students.

Around the Ministry in Bernville, PA

After much prayer, we gained a new Equip staff member this month. His name is Dawsen, and he will be joining Nolan as a men’s dorm leader. Pray for him as he adjusts to living at the ministry and finds his place.

We are in the process of making changes in the Loaner Vehicle Program. We are currently working on a partnership with a ministry called Righteous Rides. They are based out of St Louis, Missouri and have hubs in Philadelphia and, hopefully soon, here in Bernville, PA. We have had many insurance challenges lately and partnering with them will allow us to continue to provide vehicles, vehicle repairs, vehicle cleaning, and missionary pickups and returns here. This would also expand driving capabilities for missionaries, who have been restricted to the East Coast with us. Please pray for the CMTS leadership and board as we seek God’s will in this new vision.

Justin Darnell and Johnny Debkowski have been busy in the Warehouse restructuring the pantry. Their goal is to make it easier for staff and ministries to see and use the food. We were also blessed with a donation of water through means that could only be described as God-given. The Warehouse often receives requests for bottled water, so we are excited to see how this donation will be used to glorify Christ.


We have not received an official update from the Merricks since November, but that newsletter is available on the website. They have been getting over some sickness, and seem to be doing better. You can also read their past newsletters, or email them to check-in. They would love to hear from their friends and family, especially around the New Year. Nancy’s email is

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