Donovan’s Diaries from February/March 2024

How do you always manage to sneak up on me, I seem slightly less prepared every single time my newsletter rolls around. It was a relatively normal month around the mission. We did not blow anything up, very minor damages all around, no serious injuries, and vocations switched again. So in February we had the banquet, we had our first Mexico meeting, and then in March I celebrated with my dad for his 50th birthday, we switched vocations, and “someone” filled Sam’s car with balloons. 

CMTS Banquet 

Every year CMTS does a banquet to keep people in the loop about what we are doing, as well as to reach out to more people and make connections. Initially the students were not going to be able to go because it fell on a Thursday when we have class. However, through the power of persuasion (Caleb whined), the students as a collective (literally only Caleb) shouted for joy when Nolan switched our class to Wednesday night. We were all grateful to Nolan and our teacher Katie, especially after the event because it was a great time to get to know more people involved with supporting CMTS, as well as newcomers. Aidan was asked to speak on the Equip program and I think he was the right man for the job. He represents all the qualities of Equip very well. Growth, hard work, goofiness, all while being centered in Christ. After the speaking was over it was time for fellowship where I had an opportunity to pray with Tony and Emily from OneLuv. Everyone stayed and talked until we were practically kicked out of the building we had rented. 

Mexico Meetings

To prepare for our Mexico Trip coming up in the beginning of April, the group gets together a couple times in the weeks leading up to the trip. Our first meeting was February 16th. We have had 2 meetings since then and at the end of each of them, at least for myself, it has been so encouraging. I have really felt God in our prayers as a group. I believe it is so clear that this is where God wants to send this specific group, and I can not wait to go where He is working. Essentially these meetings are going over the itinerary, the different materials we will need to bring down, packing, flight information, etc. We have also heard 2 testimonies already and those especially have been encouraging, as a reminder of who we are going with and fully seeing those we serve alongside. Please be praying for this trip and our group against spiritual attacks as well as that we can serve the purpose God has for us to be there. 

Party Time

My Dad the old man (whom I love and respect) just got older. On March 3rd, we held his 50th birthday party at a bowling alley in Palmyra. Sadly, most of the dorm could not make it. Caleb had to make a trip home and Logan was sick. However the OG duo, the self proclaimed SCU (Shipping Container Unit (during the Haiti shipment in the beginning of the year Aidan and I were the 2 in the Container fighting for our lives together)) made an appearance. Mom rented out a few lanes for the old people and then a lane for the cool people (Aidan, my brother, and I) and it went entirely as expected. Our lane got stuck several times, Aidan got a foul on the first attempt (Did not even know of fouls in bowling until now) , we knocked down over a thousand total pins, and I won. All as expected. See what I did there. Anyway, everyone seemed to have a great time and I enjoyed spending some time with my dad before going back to the organized chaos of CMTS. 


After a very productive and insightful month with Justin in the warehouse, I am onto my third vocation already. Which means only one left until the year is over. Seems crazy to think about but we will talk about that later. I am once again in the shop but this time I know way more than last and have been able to do a lot more on my own. So far I have done a few things such as, oil changes, putting a serpentine belt on a box truck, replacing struts, installing shocks, and a few others. Being in the shop is not only extremely fun, but it changes the way you see and solve problems. You tend to see the fixes in everything, and it makes everything seem possible and fun. Five days of this got in my head and one bored Saturday I lifted my car and was 6 bolts away from taking off 2 of the 3 mufflers in my exhaust system. However, eventually I realized the mounts do not account for it in all the right places so I will need to wait a little while longer for a loud exhaust system. However this leads me to my next point, if you ever get the chance to work on something for yourself I highly recommend it. Not only is it fulfilling but it also changes the way you see problems and often gives a much more positive outlook. 

Balloon Bandits

A group of people ranging from 3 years of age to 99 years of age seems to have struck the mission with a plague of balloons. I personally have no idea who or what it could have been. I can only give an account of what atrocities I have witnessed. Sam Adams (the shop flunky) was out at the junkyard when these hooligans walked across the yard to the shop and filled poor Sam’s car almost to the top in balloons. Later that day when Sam went to move his car, he saw this horrible thing that had been done to him, and filled with rage he popped each balloon one by one, leaving only a few to tell the tale of what happened. However, Sam has a few thoughts on who could have done it. I conducted an interview with the victim and he had this to say, “I was told everybody did it.” He then went on to accuse me saying, “I think you know more than your letting on” at this point I needed to end the interview as I feared for my safety.


One would hope this was the end of the story but it was indeed far from it. While in the shop, I witnessed something truly scary. Aidan had a package ordered to the shop but Sam had this crazed look in his eye. Sam opened the package, took out the item and put one singular balloon into the box and re-sealed it. I feared for my life, but I needed to get to the bottom of this. I asked Sam, “Trying to get Aidan back for what you think he did?” And the following words shook me to my very core, “I am not just getting Aidan back, I need to get everybody back.” As Sam laughed and walked away I feared he may target me next, believing I had something to do with this heinous crime.

Growth/Life Updates

God has been growing me in the areas of patience, and acceptance of His Word. There are some verses we read and discount them as strictly head knowledge, not realizing it needs to reach our hearts. In my own life and others, I have noticed the tendency to do this with verses that talk about our creation and who God says we are. Jesus switched places with us which means our sin is no more and people seem to stop there. But that also means we have His righteousness in us. We are righteous and holy in our Savior. We are also forgiven, always and immediately. 

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

Romans 6:1 Does this mean we should go around sinning because we are forgiven? No! (Both of those were paraphrased from memory please look them up to get the full point. ) 

So recently I have been trying to grow into the acceptance of the gift God has given me. As for life updates, this is more or less an insight into my summer and next year, trying to figure out where I can be the most effective for God. Obviously He can use me anywhere but I want to go where He wants me to go. Currently I am working on getting a job for a few months after the program. I have 2 opportunities I am looking into right now and trying to remember to pray over both of them to see what God has for me. I ask for continued prayer over that area especially, as well as mission trip opportunities I am looking into over the summer and a few Discipleship Training Schools I am looking into for 2025.  


A few smaller things that have happened over the last month: Aidan, Caleb, and I pulled a car out of the dirthills which was quite the experience, considering we found out the doors do not latch closed and they opened while we were pulling it. I got the opportunity to make connections with a friend from the Serve Day we had in January, which I feel is God working in me to make connections with different age groups. Along that line, I have also been serving in the nursery which has been really amazing learning to be comfortable around younger kids and pushing myself in areas of trust. My mom has been doing better. She needs to get another MRI so please be praying for scheduling to work out in God’s timing. We have visited a few other churches in preparation for Mexico as well as to know what to look for in a healthy church. 

Prayer Requests

Discernment for the future

Spiritual protection in Mexico

The upcoming serve day (March 29th)

CMTS as a whole, that we remain centered in Christ. 


Well, I’m done. I look forward to writing the next one, and you should look forward to it as well because it should come out the week we come back from Mexico. Be prepared to read approximately 8 pages of God-filled work we will have done down there. 

Until next time,

Donovan Allen James Checket