I’m Back!
There’s a lot to explain in very few words. For one, April 9th was never supposed to be my return date. I had always planned to come home in February to surprise my friends and family. However, I have fully finished and graduated from the DTS!
Outreach was different than I expected but God used it to impact my life and the lives of others. The main focus of our outreach was service: serving in churches and libraries, serving food, sorting clothes, etc. Sharing the Love of God by intentionally leaving our nation to serve another nation. There were also plenty of evangelism opportunities, such as sharing in churches and handing out Bibles. One of the most impactful elements of being in North Africa was the Muslim culture. The dedication they have to prayer put me in a spot to want to talk to God more often myself.
What’s next
This question has come up A LOT over the last month since I have been back home. Well, after much prayer and a few interviews, I am officially a staff member at CMTS! For those of you who may not know, CMTS (Christian Missionary Technical Services), is a ministry that helps to provide churches and ministries with supplies. CMTS also happens to be where I did my gap year program “Equip” before my DTS. At CMTS my main job will be working in the Warehouse Distribution Center where we store and send out supplies for ministries; this includes things like cleaning products, wood, chairs, kitchen supplies, toiletries, etc. CMTS provides housing for their missionaries so I will be able to live “on campus”!
CMTS runs off of donations, and so do their missionaries. Once again, I am trusting God with my bank account and my livelihood. I believe I am where God wants me so I am going to trust Him in providing for me to stay here with CMTS. God has chosen to use the body of Christ to do His will on earth, an honor that all of us have been given. I feel it would be beneficial for me to offer an extended look into my expenses, for any who are interested in supporting me either financially or through prayer. Each month, I have roughly estimated that I will need $283/month to start. That will cover: electric ($50), gas ($120), and groceries ($113). However, this does not cover savings for emergency funds, Missions trips, future training, etc. I trust God to figure out all of those details as I follow Him; He always gives us what we need and more.
If any of you feel called, all donations are tax-deductible and can be made out and mailed to CMTS (1119 N Boundary Rd, Bernville, PA 19506) with a separate note specifying the donation is for myself (Donovan Checket).
The most important thing I can ask for is not money, but prayer. Through prayer God has placed me in several different places and through prayer I have never been forgotten, lost, or unprovided for.
Prayer requests:
- Funds
- Health
- Continued growth
- Humility
- Peace
- For CMTS as a whole, God would continue blessing this ministry and using it to bless others.
Thank you
These letters will be posted on the 15th of every month. Thank you all for the support I have already been given time and time again, through your prayers, encouragement, and finances. God is using each and everyone of you in my life and in the lives of others!