February Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear Supporters,

Mission/Vocation work

Grace and I are still in maintenance with Nolan and we started making crates. I think I enjoyed maintenance the best but I still have one more vocation so I can’t be so sure. 

Jen Darnell taught us a class where we read a book that was called, “One Blood One Race.” It was a good book, I really enjoyed it. The book talked about how we all came from Adam and Eve so we are all one race; there are only two “races”: Christian, and non-Christian. It also talks about how to defend the faith when people ask about it. 

I’ve been trying to figure out what I believe when it comes to Christianity. Since I’m getting older I’ve been questioning a lot of things. Questioning things is a good thing because it means you’re thinking for yourself and it’s okay to not know. Even though my head is spinning and I can’t think straight sometimes. 

Personal Life

I got to go home on the weekend and see my family. I really enjoyed seeing them and hanging out with them even if it was only for a little bit. I don’t know if I talked about this before, but I finally got my car. I wanted to get my car over to CMTS but I couldn’t. Now I finally have it!

Phoenix was nice and didn’t try to hurt me this time. I’m so thankful for that. Joey told me that he has been trying to get rid of the guinea pigs and he has been finding people to take them. Bitty has been doing well. Whenever I go back home and Bitty sees me, she gets so excited. It’s so cute. 

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that I figure out what I want to do after this program.
  • Pray that I will be less stressful when I finally figure out what to do.

Love, Emilia <3