Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for stopping in. Here’s the inventory for January. I spent a few more days with my family before flying back to PA. I flew from Vancouver to Calgary, Calgary to Atlanta, then Atlanta to Philly. On the plane I almost died (not really) cause my triple layered cargo pants apparently contain the heat of a dying star. On Sunday, Nolan and Jenny were kind enough to pick me up from Philly and drive me back to CMTS. I spent this month in the warehouse working with Justin and Johnny. One day, Tony from OneLuv showed up with around ten thousand stuffed animals he needed stored so we shoved them into every open spot in one corner of the warehouse and put the rest in a massive wooden box we made. Justin taught me how to operate the forklift, and I also got more practice operating the skidsteer. I went on a few runs in the box truck with Justin. We brought pallets of cereal, coffee, and broth to OneLuv, and picked up some donations. We went to the Farm Show in Harrisburg for our adventure trip this month. We were able to get a lot of free samples of stuff like jerky and hot sauce, and I won a shirt at the army table. We’ve still been going to Prayer Breakfast most Tuesdays at Pine Grove Community Church. We’ve also been going to the Saturday evening service at Ephrata Community Church.
In our foundations class, Sam and I learned about the early church and looked at The Harmony of the Gospels. In our Experiencing God class, we learned about the importance of immediate obedience when we hear from God. In our Search For Significance class, we learned about recognizing and replacing negative thought patterns and placing our value in our identity in Christ.
“They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.” Psalm 20:8
– Isaac