January 2025 at CMTS Ministries

“‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!’” Luke 2:14

Equip Updates

This month, plans and preparations for Mayreau have begun. Nolan & Jenny Lapp, the 4 Equip students, Sandra & Wyatt Kline, and Joel will be leaving on February 19 to spend a week on the island of Mayreau in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. They plan to help with disaster relief, encourage the people impacted by the hurricane last year, and share the love of Christ with everyone they encounter. The island of Mayreau has a tourist-based economy, making it difficult in the off-season to provide for daily needs. Poverty is an issue, as well as alcoholism and drug use. Please pray that God would use the group to impact and change lives!


Also heavy on Nolan’s heart is the call to build a house in Mexico in April. He has invested a lot of time this month visiting local businesses to raise the $12,000 needed to build this house. Homes of Hope is a ministry that carefully and prayerfully chooses each family who is in desperate need of a home. We wish to partner with them for the Equip trip this year, and would love to have you help us with this. You can do so by praying, by donating online at cmtsminstries.com, or by sending a check to CMTS. (Please make it payable to CMTS Ministries and include a note with your designation.)

At the Ministry in Bernville, PA

Warehouse Distribution Center

Lisa Miller continues to praise God for the new heating system in the Warehouse. Leam Nicholaides, and the other members of the Maintenance Team, Mike Miller & Ray Pete, have been working hard to get all of that set up for the Warehouse volunteers. With the single digit and negative degree weather we had this month, it’s a blessing to have even a 10 degree difference. Mike is hoping to install a larger propane tank, so if you are interested in donating one or know someone who is selling theirs, let us know! The volunteers & Warehouse staff would be incredibly grateful.


As always, the Warehouse has made a huge Kingdom impact. Every day, multiple ministries visit to get the necessary supplies they need. God has blessed CMTS with a steady flow of incoming and outgoing supplies, and we continue to ask Him to provide more so that we can give out more. This February, a shipment to Kenya is scheduled. Pastor Situma has had this shipment planned for 3 years, and we are excited that it will soon be at his ministry!

Automotive Shops

Joel & Danielle Smith and Doug & Hilda Sylva flew to Texas for LeTourneau University’s GO Week. Our hope is to have students join us for a week over spring break to serve at the ministry, and then intern over the summer. Since the university is a technical school, we have a variety of areas for them to choose to serve in. We are excited to see how God provides through this new connection! Nick VanWert and Caleb have continued their normal repair jobs in the Automotive Shop. Between the staff and outside ministry vehicles, they are kept busy. We would love to have another person in the shop full time, especially after Caleb leaves this summer. Please pray that God moves in the hearts of the right people who are called to CMTS!

Maintenance, Hospitality, & More

We heard back from the township on the apartments above the shop, and are hoping that any day now we can start pushing forward in getting them finished. Having 3 more apartments will be a blessing to the staff here and will provide housing for new staff as God calls them.



Prayer Requests

This month, please be praying for:

  • The apartments above the Auto Shop
  • The Merricks as they serve and build up CMTS Belize
  • Favor with the township in getting permits for the different building projects
  • Funds for the ministry
  • Equip students & E2 interns
  • Financial support for the staff members
  • The leadership & board members
  • Equip mission trips to Mayreau & Mexico
  • The fundraiser in March

Fun Facts & Stats