January Equip Newsletter – David

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student.


Mission Work/Vocation Work

I’m enjoying my time being up in the warehouse. Things have been going well up there and I’ve been learning a lot. One of the things I’ve been learning is how to build shelves. Right now we’re remodeling the shelving in the pantry up there so we can fit more food. We are almost done with it; we only have a few more shelves to make. We also got a donation from an anonymous source that we needed and since then we got three orders from different ministries done so far.

We are also preparing for our mission trip to Mexico which is in March.


January Personal life

  • God has been teaching me about making right decisions and discerning what’s from Him and what’s not
  • I had a really good time with my family and some friends over Christmas break
  • I’m still planning on going to college although that won’t be until the next school year as I won’t have everything ready by the deadline for this year
  • I’m waiting on God’s direction for what I should do in the meantime but I have a few options to choose from 
  • We went to the PA Farm Show and God blessed us with an awesome time together


Prayer Requests

  • That I would get more financial support for what God has planned after Equip
  • That God would work through me and that His will will be done 
  • That I would find what God would like me to do in my downtime
  • My parents moving to Mexico
  • The Mexico mission trip


Answered requests

  • My tuition for Equip is fully paid off
  • My parents have more direction on what they need to do



–David McDermott