January Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear supporters,

Mission Work/ vocation work

Grace and I are still working in maintenance with Nolan. We just finished fixing the Darnell’s bathroom. I really love maintenance because fixing things is fun. We are now planning on making something with wood. Nolan said we can pick a project to do. Grace and I made pens. We used wood and carved it and polished it to make it smooth. I made mine and gave it to my dad for Christmas. 

Grace, me and the girl dorm leaders went to go get bubble tea. I personally did not care for the bubbles but I won’t be mad at the idea of going and trying it again. Grace, Kai, David, Dawsen (whose name I can’t remember), Hannah, and I went to a farm show in Harrisburg. I enjoyed seeing the different animals there. Hannah told Grace and I that their milkshakes there were really good so we had to try them. The milkshakes were really good. The flavor I got was chocolate because I personally do not like vanilla milkshakes.


Personal life

I went home for Christmas. It was great to be back with family and hang out with friends. I believe that my brother has only three guinea pigs now. 

Phoenix is doing great but she tried to attack me. I had my bedroom door open and she tried to walk right in like she owned the place. Like, who does she think she is? Me being scared I’m going to get my face ripped off called for my sister to get her out of my room. 

Bitty is doing great. She still snores while she sleeps but it’s okay, I still love her. 

There is a cat at CMTS that Grace and I named Milk. Milk used to be really shy but we trained him to be friendly towards humans. I think he is a little too friendly now because he won’t shut up or leave you alone.


Prayer Request 

  • That I may know what God wants me to do after this school year is up.
  • That I won’t be so stressed about leaving CMTS. 

Love, Emilia

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