January-May 2020 Newsletter

The Wild & Blessed Ride So Far In 2020

This year has been a wild ride to say the least.  What we focus on shapes our attitudes.  I recently came across a song called “Be Enthroned” sung by Shane & Shane.  The idea of the song is to join our praises of Jesus Christ with all those who have come before us and all of Heaven.  The chorus goes “Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations.  You are worthy, Lord of all.  Unto you the slain have risen, King, we lift our voice with Heaven singing: Worthy Lord of all.”  I love this song because it has said beautifully what we should focus on.  Namely the praise and worship of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  When we worship the Lord and when we sing praises to Him, it aligns our life.  He has given us so much to be thankful for.  So let us view together the blessings of God.
– Justin Darnell
CMTS Staff Member


January was an amazing month at CMTS!  We were blessed to be able to ship two containers and a 26′ box truck loaded with medical supplies.  The one container was filled for Belize and included supplies to support the CMTS ministry in that country.  The second container was sent to Nigeria to help many schools and churches in that country.  This included supplies such as a 15 passenger van, school supplies, clothing, diapers, medical supplies and so much more.  All of these items will be used to spread the love of Jesus throughout that country.



Then, as the virus (Covid-19) hit the US, things started to change.  There was panic over toilet paper and hand sanitizer.  So the question that we began to think about was, “Do we keep the supplies we have, or trust the Lord and give to the people in need?”  The answer was, if God cannot provide then we are already doomed.  So this amazing thing happened, we gave some hand sanitizer to a few churches.  Then a company contacted us to come and get new supplies from their warehouse.  The supplies had damaged packaging from being shipped but the product was in great condition.  Wouldn’t you know it, in this donation was paper products, cleaning supplies, new canned food, boxed food (etc), bottled water and more.  We first contacted Hope Rescue Mission in Reading PA to see what needs they may have.  The needs they had matched exactly what we were receiving.  We were able to donate 4 pallets of supplies to Hope Rescue Mission.  After this the company that had been donating contacted us about coming out each week to get new rounds of supplies.  Because of the Lord’s blessings, we have been able to help 6 other rescue missions from Berks County to Schuylkill County.  We were able to send out 8 pallets of bottled water, and over 20 pallets of supplies that will allow these ministries to share the love of Jesus and continue their Kingdom work!

We also felt the call to reach out to local churches, ministries, and families to see if any families were in need so that we could pack care packages of food and cleaning supplies.  The more we were able to give out the more God had provided in return.  So much so that we have been able to reach out to the first ministries that we donated to so that we could have them come back again.  God works in amazing ways.  If you had asked me 2 months ago would CMTS be donating pallet after pallet of the items that stores do not have available to help others and I would have said “how would that happen?” (Habakuk Chapter 1 covers this).  God is knocking on all of our hearts and lives, his hands are huge.  Will you open the door and praise Him for He is WORTHY!!  The struggles are numerous and real.  But we choose to focus on the God who has promised to provide for us if we seek first His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)


We have posted some devotionals on our facebook page.

Prayer requests for CMTS:

1) Andy and Nancy is Belize (Yes they are still there!!)
2) The loaner car program (keep missionaries safe in the vehicles)
3) Finances
4) Car donations
5) Health
6) World Leaders
7) Encouragement
8) Team Work

We thank everyone for their continued prayers and financial support.  We could not do this without God on our side and the prayers and support from all of you.

God Bless you,
Joel Smith & the CMTS team.

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