July 2022 at CMTS

“Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.”  Hebrews 13:15  

Equip Update

We are now 3 weeks into the Equip program, and things are going well, praise God! In just 21 days, the students have shown a lot of growth. We are excited to see what they will look like in 21 weeks. Three of the dorm parents took them on the first Equip Adventure Trip to Knoebels from July 22nd-23rd. It was a weekend designed to build a bond between the 4 students and the dorm parents. Please remember to pray for the students and staff as the program continues. If you are interested in furthering this vision, consider donating to the Equip Scholarship Fund.


Around the Ministry in Bernville, PA

The ministry was able to do a lot in terms of moving supplies from the warehouse into the world and local ministries. A bus was shipped to Haiti, a van was sent to a port to be shipped to Ghana, and there will be more in the coming weeks.

There have been many renovations happening around the campus. We are grateful for the people who have been willing to come out to the ministry and serve in the different building projects. While our septic system is still in the process of replacement, we have been blessed to have some of the funds donated to pay for that. We know God will provide and ask that you please consider donating to help fund this.

We held a Supporter Appreciation Dinner on July 15th. We were able to celebrate 83 non-staff members and thank them for how they have supported the ministry in the last couple of years. Thank you for joining us, and if you were unable, we hope to see you next time!



Nancy & Andy Merrick sent their Belize newsletter for July. She gave updates on the Haitian work team, the local community, and more. If you are interested in reading that, it is available on our website. Please continue to pray for them as they serve God in Belize.

Through your help, prayers, and support of the ministry, your donations are used to reach the less fortunate, via educational resources, job training materials, basic needs, and supporting the full-time staff members who use their God-given talents to serve Him.



Joel Smith, Director CMTS Ministries of Pennsylvania

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