July Equip Newsletter – Emi

Dear Supporters, 


Hey guys! I’ve been at CMTS for five weeks now and it has been amazing. I’ve had such a great time meeting new people; even though it can be intimidating at times. I love being surrounded by people that want to help me grow. It is very encouraging to be surrounded by people that are willing to take the time to help you in your spiritual walk through life.


It has been somewhat challenging for me because I’m not used to being away from home for this amount of time. I do miss my family but I’m going to trust God that he will help me remember why I’m here. I remember our family verse, Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path strait.”


They have some dogs here and I also met a few cats. There is a cat named Max and he is one of the friendliest cats I’ve ever met. There are also two kittens that my roommate and I are trying to befriend.  My roommate’s name is Grace, and she is very friendly. I love talking to her and having deep, meaningful conversations with her. We both like Kdrama (Even though it can be cringy at times.) If you don’t know what Kdrama is, it’s Korean TV shows. I like to work with her, she is a very hard worker. I hope we can be friends even after this year is over.


The work here is tiring but it’s good work. I’m working at the mechanic shop right now and I enjoy it. I learned how to change the tires on a car and how to change the oil in a car.


Things to pray for are that I will learn more about God and I will learn how to use the gifts that He gave me for Him. Pray that nobody from CMTS gets hurt from any of the work that they do. You can also pray that I will not get tired of this and want to keep going. Thank you for all the support you guys have given me. It means a lot to know that people are praying for you. 



-Emi Kish

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