July Equip Newsletter – Grace


This month was hectic. And I do mean hectic. With settling in to a new routine, and being away from my parents for the first time. It’s been a lot of fun though, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Some highlights from this month include:
  • Going to Knoebels with the other Equip students. I was particularly fond of hearing David scream.
  • Meeting my super awesome roommate Emi.
  • Making new friends. Actually, it would be hard not to make friends because everyone here is just so friendly.
  • Working in the mechanic shop. I swear Emi and I change more tires in a week than most people will in their entire lives. That being said, I love it.
  • Being so close to family I don’t normally get to see very often.

As this is my first newsletter, I ask that you all bear with me as I figure things out.

Prayer Requests:
  1. Please pray for God to work through me so that I can grow in his spirit.
  2. Pray for the staff and the team here at CMTS.
  3. Pray for the Equip program. For the other students and the teachers as we continue on this year.
  4. Pray that God would continue to provide to pay for the full tuition. Currently, I’m at $800 of the $4,500 I need.


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