July – September Equip Newsletter – Kai

Hello everyone


Mission/Vocation Work

Seven weeks ago, I moved from my parent’s house to the boy’s dorms to start the Equip program. I have been doing Bible classes in the morning and working in the afternoon with Nolan Lapp doing maintenance around CMTS. We built steps at the office, fixed a leak in the basement of the big house, weed whacked, cleaned the deck of my parent’s house, and more. I really enjoy bonding with the other students and staff and building friendships. I’ve learned a lot from the Ephesians Bible study, and I understand my identity in Christ and my role to help and encourage other people. It has been a life-changing experience.


This past August, we went to Circle K camp for a missions trip, cleaning up the place, cutting trees, fixing, etc. It was fun spending free time too; for me, it really felt like a vacation, playing games like UNO, watching a movie, talking with my friends that I consider family, getting to know them better, spending time with God in nature, and enjoying His creation. It was great just taking a moment, seeing what God was doing in my life, and that there are times to settle for a while and enjoy our trips.


Personal Life

My next move will be in the body shop doing bodywork on cars, like fixing dents, painting, and cleaning with my dad. I used to not like working with him; it felt like a chore and I would get mad and frustrated because of his corrections because I thought it was good. But now that I’m growing in Christ, I’m coming in with a new mindset of serving Him/God. I’m gonna try to make up this time a better one. I hope to get to know my dad better, catch up on things in life, and start building a real father-son relationship.


Prayer Requests 

Please pray for the following:

  • That my relationship with the Lord will grow.
  • And with the students and the staff.


Praise the Lord that I can trust in Him to supply all my needs.


May the Lord bless you and thank you for praying for me.

Greetings, Kai Sylva.


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