Logan Brennan Equip August 2023

A Lil Bout Me


My name is Logan Samuel Brennan, and I’m a student here at CMTS. I came to CMTS for work experience, a spiritual experience, and fun experiences with my friends. I want to grow myself and those around me and make a positive impact on anyone I can. I like to talk… a lot. So here’s a little about me!

I’m from Fort Collins, Colorado, but was born in Beijing, China. I grew up in a Christian family, and to explain the abnormal place of birth, I’m from a missionary family as well. In fact, missions work seems to run in our blood. I was born in Beijing and lived there for 2 years in Nanjing I think. Hard to remember those years. When I was 2, we moved back to the states after a 4 year mission assignment my parents were on, and I was born in the middle of. I lived in Los Angeles, CA, for about a year where my sister was born, and then moved to Fort Collins, my other sister being born there in Denver. I lived there until I was 10, when we moved back to China for another 4 years there, where we lived in Ningbo, about 3 hours from Shanghai. My mom homeschooled us there until we moved back to Colorado for my high school years when I was 14. Now, I’m here, ready for anything! Being a Third Culture Kid (TCK) helps with being flexible, which worked to my benefit after I had to choose another option for my gap year program after my original plan was canceled for unknown reasons. God closing a door to open a new one doesn’t get much clearer than that! I’ve been to a charter school, a Christian private school, and homeschooled, taken some online classes, and now I’m looking for a bit of real world experience here at CMTS. Even though my knowledge with cars is little to none, I’m still happy to help in other ways, and willing to learn new skills, such as auto maintenance.

I’ve been a Christian pretty much my whole life. Being from a fairly conservative and strongly Christian family, I’ve been very involved in the church for as long as I’ve lived. I accepted Christ into my heart when I was 4 years old, on October 31, when I first fully recognized the presence and significance of evil, and that it wasn’t just movie “good guy bad guy” tropes. At that time, on Halloween night, God blessed me with an extraordinarily fearless, confident, flexible, creative, and outgoing attitude. Obviously, being a kid, I still got frightened from time to time, but that had pretty much all disappeared by the time I moved; and now that my fear was gone, I could focus on creation rather than the fear of destruction. 

I’ve always been a creator, making games on my own or with my dad for as long as I can remember, and later learning more sophisticated ways of expressing myself through art and words, through writing short stories, poems, theses, and even songs! In fact, my poetry has reached over 1,000 reads now, which is not a lot in the grand scale of things, but is really exciting to me because it’s a step towards the impact I’ve always dreamt of having.

I was baptized when I was 11 years old, but my faith started to weaken in high school around Junior year, even though I went to a Christian school. Nevertheless, God once again used the circumstance to raise me back up. It happened to be “Spiritual Emphasis Week” there at the time I was at my lowest, being fairly suicidal and having strong demonic oppression at the time. During this week, we would hold a chapel every morning where we would sing worship songs and they would hold a sermon. When we were singing “It Is Well With My Soul”, I found myself with my mouth clamped shut and tears in my eyes; I just couldn’t bring myself to sing that if it wasn’t true. I went away to a private room, and broke down. I can’t remember exactly what happened that day, but I know for certain that my life was never the same. He reminded me of what He’s done for me, and turned my life and my way of thinking around completely. That next year was not easy for me, yet it was probably one of the coolest years of my life. Soon after, I saw a demon, and not just feeling a presence and having knowledge of the oppression like usual, but this time it was really there, huge and terrifying. No one else saw it, but my close friend could feel it there too. She sat by me as I was paralyzed, staring it down, and she prayed for me as I repeated phrases like “You have no power here” and “He will protect me”. We read scripture out loud together, as I could almost feel a shield around me, a barrier that the thing couldn’t get through, no matter how hard it tried. It was that moment when I learned three things: I learned that we’re stronger together, and I learned what true fear is, and what true faith is. I’ve been a changed man since that day, doing my best to live my life entirely for Christ, knowing that no worldly thing has anything close to the power of the spiritual, and I want to do everything as working for the Lord, not for men. I cannot keep my joy or immense faith contained, and I’ve made it a goal of mine to make it well known to my friends who aren’t Christians what I know the truth to be, and my new identity in Him.

As far as interests go, I enjoy writing: game production, sound and lyric design for music, short stories, poetry, and philosophical papers. I also love to have fun, playing just about every form of game imaginable, or just goofing off with friends, or telling the most cringe worthy jokes of all time. I even did a stand up comedy for my school! I love a variety of sports, games, and the outdoors, including but not limited to: soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, climbing, ping pong, and more! I love to play chess casually, and really enjoy puzzles and riddles that challenge the brain. I’ve never failed an escape room, held a 10-game winning streak in chess at one point, and can solve many riddles and puzzles. I love holding debates or stimulating conversation involving everything from religion to politics to fan theories. Finally, I love computers. I’ve coded a bit, and am fairly good at it, and plan to go into that as my career. I’ve made gamejam games in yearly tournaments with my friends, many of which have experience in making video games, and we ended up placing 51st in the US minor league this year. I make all my music and poetry on here, often just letting the inspiration flow onto a Google Doc, and then shaping it to my satisfaction. Also, I’ve created my own pen-and-paper RPG, and am currently running it for 6 of my friends. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a game a bit like Dungeons and Dragons, but is more closely based around a game called Call Of Cthulhu, based on the series by H. P. Lovecraft. My RPG is run online on a weekly basis, and is based off another one of my favorite internet creepypastas: The Backrooms. I have many other hobbies, as my curiosity and quick learning abilities make learning new hobbies easy and remembering all of them… difficult.

Thank you so much to all of you who support me, and I’m hoping to have a fun, meaningful year with the Equip Program. I don’t want to put my hunger for knowledge and new experiences to waste! It’s really been amazing getting here to this point, and I really appreciate all of you who follow and support my endeavors here, and as always, prayer is appreciated!


Logan Brennan.
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