Logans Logs 1/24

Back at it again at CMTS! The end of this month marks the start of my second and final semester at the Equip program. Since this is the first month of the semester, I’m back in my first area of Vocational Trades: Maintenance. I’ve been working with Ray, getting back into the swing of things around the mission while we work on anything that needs to be repaired around the mission, like helping fix his door which was in need of replacement, for example. Additionally, as the tech guru around here, he’s been teaching me tons of fascinating stuff about computers that I never knew about! He showed me things like how to run an operating system like Ubuntu Linux inside another operating system like Windows 11 (which we’ve both come to dislike) through a “Virtual Box” virtual machine. I’ve also tried tinkering around with music software, modding games, increasing my laptop’s performance in various ways, and a lot more. Nice to have a guy who used to run a computer business around! I’ve also gotten my usual Flipside Crew jobs done, like cleaning, writing this newsletter, cooking for the mission, and cutting new ceiling tiles for a friend of mine. We also had a bit of fun on this month’s adventure trip, and went go karting at a local entertainment place, played some arcade and had pizza! That brought back memories of working in an arcade myself, and it was a ton of fun.

Christmas break was fun too, and I got to spend a little under 2 weeks with my family back at home in Colorado and see some of my old friends, which was amazing! Our family recently moved into a new house after we finally got our old one sold and with the extra money from selling my grandpa’s old house when he passed away over 11 years ago. It was an interesting switch going home to a different house and a different room, but I adjusted fairly quickly, and I think I like our new home! Unfortunately, since I wasn’t there when we moved, I got the smallest room and my little sister got handed down the majority of my furniture… but oh well, beggars can’t be choosers! After this year, the plan is to go to a coding bootcamp and get trained and equipped to start a career in software development. That’ll be about a year or so, and cheaper and more rigorous than regular college. The current idea is to do one around home base (Fort Collins), that way I can stay with my family for another year or so while I go there and keep some connections there, but I’ve also recently been told about some solid programs down in Austin, TX, so I guess we’ll keep our plans open. Please pray for me as I’ll likely soon be making a decision on where to go and signing up.

The Lord be with you,

Logan Brennan.

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