Logan’s Logs 5/23/24

My, my… here we are, at the end of the road. What a year it’s been! I suppose I’ll start with this past month, and then do a general recap of the year. We haven’t had any noteworthy mission trips or events in the past month, so it’s kind of been the usual, along with the buzz of it being the last month and saying some goodbyes, cleaning things up, finishing up classes, etc. I’ve been with Nick for the past 6 weeks in the mechanics shop, finally managing to somewhat get the hang of doing oil changes without either burning myself or making a mess… but better late than never, right? We have our last class tomorrow, on finance. Finished up our last class with Justin yesterday, though, and that was awesome. He’s a very wise, philosophical, kind man that I’ve greatly enjoyed talking with.

Sandra and Wyatt also got married, and I got to attend their wedding! That was pretty cool; it was actually the first wedding I can recall going to that wasn’t a relative. I’m glad to see those two so happy with each other! 

What a bittersweet week it’s been… We graduate on Friday and I leave the following Monday. My parents are flying over for my graduation, so I’m excited to see them! I’m really excited to get back home and see my friends and family again. I’ll also be hopefully getting a part time job and getting into High School ministry with Mountain View, my home church, during the summer… and then taking an online coding bootcamp over the year in order to get the necessary training to go into software development as my career without needing all the time and money that college would normally require. So, I’m pretty excited about that! All the same, I’m gonna miss it here. I’ll miss all the great friends I’ve made, the green hills and forests here, and all the little quirky things that made this place feel like a home away from home.

I’ve picked up a lot of great skills this year through my 4 vocation areas, and just generally other stuff I’ve picked up along the way… probably too many to list. I’ve gotten a lot of good insight and knowledge from my teachers and some church elders, and I think my faith and walk with Christ have grown exponentially! I’ve also taught myself some skills in the process… just for fun! I’ve dipped my feet into music creation, writing, poetry, and the like… and finished my first ever campaign of my RPG I made! I’ve also been building an online scavenger hunt for my players just for fun, and learning a ton in the process. I think game creation would be such a fun hobby to get into! Needless to say, my time in the next few years should be pretty packed, balancing a job/jobs, youth group, hobby activities, getting more in shape, keeping in touch with people, etc. Of course, I’ll always want to try more, like getting more into climbing, mountain biking, playing an instrument or two, and more, but I can only do so much without burning myself out. Regardless, it’s on to the next season… and I’m ready! Bring it on!

Not really sure what else to say… but there’s so much that’s happened! If you want to know more about some of the more detailed things I’ve done, I posted monthly updates here! I’d love to catch up with a bunch of people in person, though, since actual conversation is generally a good thing. 😉 But if that’s not an option, or if for some reason you can’t/don’t want to read all my newsletters, feel free to reach out to me! 


This is Logan Brennan,

Signing off.