March 2022 at CMTS

CMTS Partner,

Matthew 6:33-34 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

I want to introduce to you the “Equip Program” here at CMTS. There is an epidemic among young people. Only 1 in 3 students between the ages of 18-25 attend church regularly. Because of this Danielle and I felt God’s calling to train spiritually and vocationally, young students ages 18-25 here at CMTS. The Equip Program is for students that are looking to grow closer to Christ as they may not know where God wants them to go yet. We will be housing up to 4 students (first year all men) in 2022-2023 for 11 months. Do you know someone who may be a great fit? Please let us know!

The ministry was able to provide supplies to local rescue missions this past month. We were able to get brand new clothing to Lebanon County Christian Ministries to help their ministry in Lebanon. We helped a ministry that serves orphanages in Uganda with supplies and an entire truckload of stacking chairs. We are also praying and working on raising funds to ship a bus to a ministry in Haiti called “Emmaus University”. They need this bus to be able to transport college students to the Christian College and to transport people to and from church. The total cost with the bus included is over $8,000. If you would like to partner with us on this shipment please mail support or make a donation here:

Our fleet vehicles have been driven over 10.6 million miles. Thank you for helping to make that happen! We have a prayer request for more donated vehicles or some great deals on vehicles that we would purchase. The need has been growing and the requests have exceeded our current fleet size.

Through your help, prayers, and support of the ministry, your donations are used to reach the less fortunate, via educational resources, job training materials, basic needs, and supporting the full-time staff members who use their God-given talents to serve Him.


Joel Smith, Director CMTS Ministries of Pennsylvania

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