March-April Newsletter – Kai

Hello everyone

Enjoy the latest newsletter!


Mission/Vocation Work

Working in the warehouse has been my favorite vocation because I like the idea of sending out goods to people who need supplies to make their life easier.

Last Thursday we had to pick up shoe boxes at Kutztown University. I was blown away by how many shoe boxes there were: 1300 shoes. The box truck was full and the back of the pickup truck was full!!

This past Monday we were cleaning up old branches and putting them in the truck and throwing them on the burn pile.  

We went to Mexico this past month. I had the time of my life, I was blown away by the experience. I felt like we were on a mission to share the Gospel. Being in fellowship with other believers, helping the local people, and showing love was the true core purpose of why we went. Looking back on it, I feel like we succeeded. Honestly looking back, I have learned love is having the greatest for someone else without any selfishness.

It goes back to John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”


Mexico Trip


Day 1 

We went to the inner city to give out food and Bibles. I ended up giving away my long sleeve shirt to a man I saw who needed it, despite it being in the 60s. It felt like getting a warm shower. I was grateful for giving him something he needed. 


Day 2

We went around the neighborhood sharing gospel tracts. I was surprised at how open the people were to receiving the gospel tracts. Later that day we went to church. We students did a skit for the children about the gospel. After that, we did crafts with the children making bracelets, and then we gave out food and drinks to the people. 


Day 3

We went up to the outer part of the cities to give suitcases of goods. At one place, we gave this boy a Bible and he was so happy. I was amazed – despite how poor he was, he was very happy. It motivated me to be thankful no matter the circumstances I live in. We should praise and thank god for what we have. 


Day 4 

We went to the men’s rehab and the place was filled with the Holy Spirit. Church services are like parties in Mexico. I got some time to talk and they were thankful we took our time to visit. I got to give encouragement – I motivated them to stay in the faith, be brothers for each other, and may God bless them. I hope to visit the men’s rehab center again. I really had a connection with the guys there.


Day 5 

We went to the neighborhood made from pallets. This was exactly what I expected the villages to look like in Mexico. We first did a church service and then we prayed for the women and children and gave out food. Later that day we went back to El Barrio again to play soccer and give a lesson about the gospel.


Day 6 

The day started by going to Pastor Adrian’s church in the park; after that, we went hatchet throwing. Later that day, we went back to the men’s rehab center to have a 2nd church service. Then we got to pray for the guys. I got to pray with this boy who was crying with his family. I just felt so bad for him so I went up, laid my hands on him, and prayed for him.


Day 7 

We had time for ourselves. We went to the tourist town Santiago. First, we went sightseeing, then we went and got ice cream and to a souvenir shop. We then went and gave out gospel tracts. 


Personal Life 

God has been working in my life, getting me ready for the Kentucky trip. We are leaving next week. We will be doing house projects like demolition work and sharing the gospel and visiting Noah’s Ark, which I am really excited about!

There are 5 weeks left of Equip so I hope and pray I have the faith and endurance to continue and keep trusting the good Lord in whatever He has for me.

Thank you for the prayers and the encouragement for the last 10 months. 


Prayer Requests 

  • To continue to have a closer relationship with God
  • Our Kentucky trip
  • The last weeks for Equip

Greetings, Kai Sylva.

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