March Newsletter – Grace

Dear supporters, 


Mission/Vocation Work:

Emi and I moved into the body shop with Doug at the end of last month, having wrapped our time up with Nolan. For our final project we made some wooden crates to hold, you guessed it, more yarn. I may have a problem…. Anyway it was fun while it lasted but we’ve been having a good time with Doug now too. Every vocation has been like that: sad to leave the last one, but excited for the next. I honestly couldn’t tell you which one has been my favorite. Probably Justin in the warehouse, but of course I’m legally obligated to say that because he’s my uncle.


So far with Doug, we’ve been learning so much. Every day is something new, and it’s all very practical things as well. For example, he taught us how to sand down and polish headlights on a car and then let us practice on Emi’s own car. We’ve also done some welding and dent pulling on a few cars. In that same vein, after you pull a dent you need to fill, sand, and then paint the spot, so it’s a whole process. Like I said, practical. If you own your own body shop that is. 


Personal Life:

March has been cold, to say the least. It was getting warmer for a good bit there at the start of the month, but we’ve dipped back down in temperature. Needless to say, I’m ready for spring. 


Speaking of warmer weather, we’re going to Mexico soon! In less than two weeks, I’m going to be wearing shorts instead of three layers of pants and still being cold. Some other highlights from this last month include:

  • Shopping for the wordless bracelets craft with Hannah and Emi. We will be doing this craft with some of the children down in Mexico.  
  • My dad is in town, so lots of family time on the weekends. 
  • Emi almost killing us  getting some good driving practice in. It’s really amazing to watch her improve the more she drives. Not that she was bad to begin with, it’s just. Nevermind, Em if you’re reading this, you drive great. 
  • Grooming Hannah’s little menace of a dog, Hani. 
  • Going to Winter Jam. It was awesome, but it was like midnight when we got back, so coffee the next day was a need not a want (it was both).


Prayer Requests:

  • My life, spiritual and actual, after this year, and God’s will for it as I seek Him. 
  • Mexico, that God is going before us to prepare the hearts and minds of everyone we encounter while down there. 
  • That I keep growing and stretching in my walk with Christ.
  • Our Kentucky mission trip
  • My Uncle John in his battle with cancer. 


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