McDermott Family Newsletter | January 2022

Dear family and friends,

We pray that you and your family are well and that you have had a great and blessed Christmas with your loved ones. 

Thank you, Lord, for coming to this earth; we, your children rejoice!!

Sometimes, we do not remember how blessed we are, not only because we live in a great country, but because we are the children of the Living God, the King of Kings, the Lord of the Lords that allows us to communicate with Him; what a blessing!

CMTS is another beautiful blessing from heaven. Please let’s take a little peek at what is going on here.
Joel Smith was named “Director of CMTS Pennsylvania.”  Joel, Danielle, and their six children have been serving diligently at CMTS since June of 2019.  Thank you, Smith family!

Andy Merrick continues serving as the Executive Director, and right now, he is focusing on preparing CMTS Belize for the future. Way to go Andy!

On December 4th, God gave us the opportunity to work with Chaplegate Boys Brigade. This amazing group assisted us in packing the 48’ trailer for Belize. They were sorting clothes and supplies in the warehouse; moreover, they learned bodywork in the detail shop and repaired an axle for a car trailer. It was an honor to work alongside these men of God!!

We want to share a testimony with you all. Our son David graduated from high school this year, and he wanted to go to the west. We prayed about it and God told me to put aside $80 dollars every month for our trip. The time for the trip came and we prayed before we opened the envelope. When we opened it and counted the money, we had $7,000.00! We went on our trip and we came back with money. God is so good and faithful. We want to praise God and give thanks for His goodness and faithfulness.

Jessica is in 12th grade; she is praying about what God wants her to do. Gaddiel is in 10th grade. He went to Mexico this summer and spent time with his family.

As for Michael and me, we are praying and working hard preparing for the mission trip to Monterrey- Mexico next year in April from the 4th to the 15th. We will be working with two different ministries. The first one is with the rehab for young and adult men and women, and the second ministry is a church that feeds children and their families with a very low income. The cost for the flight and the stay in Monterrey will be around $3,500 and we want to ask you if you will pray about being a part of this amazing mission trip that we will do. Thank you very much for considering this. Together we can bless these families.
We want to thank you so very much for all your financial and spiritual support for our family. You are part of everything we do.  Indeed, we would not be able to do what God called us to do without your support.

All your donations are tax-deductible. Please make your check to CMTS with “the McDermott’s” in the memo. Thank you very much.

Please let us know how we can pray for you and your family. May God bless you and your family.

With all our love,
The McDermott family: Michael, Juanis, David, Jessica, and Gaddiel.


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