Hello everyone, we pray that you and your family are well.
This year is going so fast and God has done so many great things in our lives and ministry.
Are you ready?
Earlier this year, 7 of us went to Monterrey, Mexico, to meet the awesome people of Youth With A Mission, YWAM. We met with Pastor Oziel and we made more contacts. Our time was amazing; we did ministry with churches and two ministries! God saved many! We fed people under a bridge and prayed for them, and a lot of them came from death to life.
Jessica graduated in June from high school, and she got a job that she loves. She doesn’t like a routine of doing the same thing over and over all day, every day. This job is different; every day, they go to different places, so she really is enjoying it.
David is doing the Equip Program here at CMTS. This gap year program is going for 10 months. They have spiritual teachings, and hands-on work, like learning to cook, doing laundry, and cleaning their dorm rooms and bathrooms. David is still doing his job at CMTS as the Fleet Officer for the Loaner Car Program.
The students are also learning how to fix cars (mechanics). This is a great program; David has learned so much in these couple of weeks, emotionally, but most of all in his relationships with God and with other people around him. It has been fascinating to see him grow. He will be writing a newsletter each month. You can read his first newsletter here:
This is an excerpt from the CMTS July Newsletter: “In just 21 days, the students have shown a lot of growth. We are excited to see what they will look like in 21 weeks. Three of the dorm parents took them on the first Equip Adventure Trip to Knoebels from July 22nd-23rd. It was a weekend designed to build a bond between the 4 students and the dorm parents. Please remember to pray for the students and staff as the program continues. If you are interested in furthering this vision, consider donating to the Equip Scholarship Fund.”
Gaddiel is in 11th grade. Please pray for him as he is battling depression. We are reading the Bible to him and the doctor gave him medication, but we are looking for a Christian counselor.
When we were in Mexico, Michael felt like God wanted us to go and serve with YWAM. We were praying and we are still praying, especially right now with this situation with Gaddiel. We just feel like we can’t make any decision, as we need to make sure that he is okay and healthy both spiritually and emotionally. Right now, he is not.
Prayer request:
- Our family, for strength and wisdom in this phase of our lives.
- Protection over and healing in Gaddiel’s life.
- Our finances; we need to raise at least $1,000 more for our family needs.
Please let us know how we can pray for you and your family.
We want to thank all of you that are part of our family through your prayer and financial support. Without your help and support, we would not be able to do what God has called us to do.
Thank you very much, and may God bless you and your family.
With all our love and gratitude.
The McDermott Family